I haven't posted in this thread in a while. I'm in pain from having my wisdom teeth out so I thought I'd occupy myself with cropping and resizing pictures to post on here so you all could feel my pain. I'll go ahead and busy myself with linking to older pictures as well. So here we go:
Over time many of you have seem many faces of me. Oh how I've grown since PPT was just an itty baby
One of my first pictures on this forum I believe was my senior picture, I can't bothered to resize that one so I'll post this hideous one from a while back:

(oh the thick eyebrow look was nice for a while, till I discovered the wonders of brow waxing

As time went by, I became a follower and participant of many fads that hit PPT. Such as the "elbow licking" fad, and the p"osting of your eye" fad (this one seems to still be quite popular).
Time went by on PPT and people made a webcam group which I joined, we all did crazy games in those time which were quite fun

. During this period I became more open to posting web cam shots, not on PPT however, but I did make an archive on a site I whipped up one day. Those ranged from pictures of huge M&M's which some of you may have seen, to pictures of plain just...random things

Oi I'm getting ill and I'm not even done

...okay I was going to continue with my story but I can't be bothered to, as I am about to vomit over my keys

. But I'll just do us all a favor and link you to the rest if you wish to continue. I will say one thing though, PPT should be proud to have allowed a paranoid member like me, scared of posting anything but an eye for a while, to come out and share the weird sides of moi.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v315/ ... a283/2.jpg
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v315/ ... eakiss.jpg
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v315/ ... a283/1.jpg
Now don't get me wrong, I'm very rarely all "look at me, look at me" however I'm really trying to get my thoughts away from my swollen chin and need to occupy myself. I'll probably change this later once I realize what a fool I'm being when the medicine has sort of worn out. Once again if I've made any mistake, like saying claiming I'm an attorney again like I did in a previous post I apologize