Back, and feeling horrible, but that's mainly from being bus-sick. The job is for the local scout store, where boy scouts go for merit badges and stuff when they earn them. I think the interview went rather well. Being a life scout, and hence familiar with the stuff probably helped, and they mentioned that my height might help with stocking. Another neat thing is if I get hired, I'm not going to have to cut my hair, just keep it in a ponytail (I had it in one during the interview, I'm not stupid

I had a problem with one question though. They asked what I'd do if I found a $20 bill on the ground. I said if I could see who obviously dropped it, I'd return it. If not, it's mine unless someone complains about losing a $20 bill. After all, I can't just ask who's it is

Yeah I agree with the donating thing, that's probably what they were looking for. However, I don't think it will break you, I mean they may say "hey...he's honest about it."