Istanbullfrog wrote:
Judging from the way people in here reply in the art submission forum, either you all don't post there, or you're lying.
I am a firm advocate of constructive criticism. If I really don't like something, I try to figure out a practical reason why, and explain it, while compounding on things I DID like about the piece. Because not all anything can be bad.
*gives you a cookie*
I agree with Istanbullfrog.
Pretty much strait out completely agree. With everything she's said.
And on a personal level, I don't offer up many full blown crits on PPT, especially right now due to time. I've done one... in the past few months, and it took me about 45 minutes to do because when I do something like that, I do it seriously. And I ask first. Which is basically a warning that the artist is going to get their work blown up and every flaw I can see, pointed out.
But when I do it, I also point out good. You can't just rip into someones artwork. It's not like i'm mean (well I am, but thats not the point), it's just that every single person who posts in the gallery gets comments like "OMG You're so great!" "You're the best artist ever!" and i'm tired of seeing those. So more crits are going to be popping up now that i've got time to write them.
Guide to Proper Critique
I think i've frightened a lot of people away from posting crits in the gallery though... for fear of themselves getting in trouble.
You won't get into trouble so long as you're not being mean about what you say.
And it occurs to me, I need to update my critique tutorial... *will get on that later*

Evisceration is a sign of respect.