_jaye_ wrote:
I'm generally a good girl.
Some time before I always tricked my dad. Every time he came back from work, I would hide undersomething or some room and make no noise when he walks around trying to find me. I think once I hid under my table with the chair covering me, my dad walked past and I moved the chair slightly. Thankfully he couldn't see it.
Just reminded me of a story my dad tells me often.
They had just moved here, to the farm, and my dad was about 5 years old. He got mad at his dad, and his behind a door from him. Of course, on the farm, we had a pondish lake thing, and they thought he might have drowned in it. So half the family ran back there, searching and calling, and half the family was looking around the house and barn for him, when he was behind the door they had all ran through 100 times while looking for him. When he came out, he got in big trouble.
Not really trouble or anything, but I rather confused my math teacher by telling him "I don't not like you as a teacher." Which was ironic because we were doing integers. Double negatives