Oh, I had the best time! I'm gonna tell you all my stories now whether you like it or not.
I was sharing a room with three other girls. One night, a Year 8 had to sleep in our room because she was sunburnt and her rooms heating was stuck on full. Anyway, in the night, we hear this REALLY loud grumbling noise and we wake up to find my friend snoring. It was worse than any man, I'm not kidding. So we're all wetting ourselves laughing and my other friend (who gets really grouchy if ever woken up) said "Ahh, gimme summat to throw!!". So I hand her a pack of face wipes. Next thing I know, she's screamed "SHUT UP!!!!" and lobbed these wipes at the snorer. She sits up and starts shouting "Dad! Dad?! Dad!! DAD!" whilst we're all helpless with laughter. I thought I was gonna pee myself!
Also, the 6th form lads (Years 12 and 13) went round pranking everyone each night. They clingfilmed Josh into his own bed, wrote "I *heart* BOYS" on Simon's back and smeared some
very smelly cheese over Jake's pillow. Being 6th form girls, we thought we were safe.... until the last night. I woke up to find this lad advancing towards my face with a marker pen, he noticed I was awake and then ran off. Then, another chap drew a line down Sarah's face and started taking photos. When they went to go out, the snorer (Louise) sat up and screamed "WAH!!!" so they all ran out laughing. Needless to say, I was mightily confusied but being stupid, I rolled over and went back to sleep.
In the morning, our teacher woke us up but then had this strange coughing fit and had to run out. I turn to Sarah and realise she has sideburns. She says "Helen, look in the mirror". Lo and behold, I have half a curly moustasche. Lois also has a beard. Louise sat up and said "Did they get me?". She had a 'tasche, beard, sideburns, glasses and a monobrow!
I have never, ever laughed so much in my entire life. We were pretty annoyed though so we decided to get them back. Put it this way; snow, cold water, squeezy bottles, bed and 7.30am. They were NOT best pleased!
There's many other things to tell but I'm sure you're all bored of me and are willing me to get back to Austria.