Two years ago on March 20th 2003 I, a young neopian, came to this forum and posted on every bourd
'Hey I'm new here'
I don't think the moderators liked me for a while after that... *whistles...*
Back then I was called Ploponme... that lasted a week as I din't like it so it became Ploponhernotme the PPTer started to squeeze himself into Rping life. Yound and inexperianced I stumbled along in other people's rps, untill I posted my own Rp.
Heaven and Hell
I remember it well I used my own languge in it... Sure it was only a wingdings font but I thought it was great.
About 4 months passed and I found a Fry avatar on the bourds collection of avs which I quickly put as my av and I then changed my name to ARGH Fry

which many of you here would know me by.
I was vitully unrecognisable I was getting more serious with my Rping, replacing all my:
*He looked at her* what are you doing?
He looked at her
"What are you doing?"
I started to make freinds there E.g.
_Jade_em_(Whas it that I dunno It was Jade anyway..)
And .:Glass Charm:. (now known as Glass Miricle)
I started to vunture out of the Rp bourd...
The chat bourd was A favorite of mine. It's how I met DM
And then on the August 17th, 2003 Anubis joined!
This was the start of a *cough* 'beautiful' frenship which has lasted ever since.
I was starting to get bored with my name.
Someone in an MSN chat said to me:
This compelled me to make up a nane that was so sarcastic I'd always giggle when I typed it:
.:Chronically Depressed:.
By which you new peeps know me by!
The start of 2004 wasn't a bad one at all with me and Anubis having our joint Rps.
And the usergroups trend starting (It was then wasn't it? My minds a little hazy here XD)
I joined as many as I could. My favorites were the PPT Mafia (I love you Auntie Fidds!) the PPT Gods bours and the Beyond Godly bourd.
Then my new school year started...
I was at first coping well... I only had math coursework... But then I was bombarded with Science, English, Graphics, EVAN DRAMA coursework...
So the hardest decision I've even made... PPT... Or Coursework.
The hardest thing I ever did was post that in the Misc section...
That was about a year ago now and now I'm back and would like to thank all the freinds I've made here for putting up with me! Even though some of them arent here...
Now when I came back (IN MARCH of all months LOL) I was greeted by the knowlage that the old server had blown... Sorry Twizz been eaten by a dinosaur... And I've made new friends here!
Adam_Loves_ (can't be bothered writing the whole thing right now Anubis is bagering me on MSN because I won't tell her I'm posting this...)
I'm glad to say that PPT is still the same crazy bourd I came to two years ago and I hope it stays this way forever!
(Well there aren't as may usergroups... and you can't change your name... AND the Rp bourd less... serious...) *pokes the admins*
Thank you for these past 2 years!
.:Chronically Depressed:.


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