Setekh wrote:
you see, this is why i dont get along with society.
the mob mentality.
take actions via the law, if you have a case you will win.
but threatening to "get" people because they stole somthing you drew is nuts.
thievery is low i shall agree with you there.
but the mentality where anything anyone does that you dont like is punishable by a damn good kicking is lower.
people like that rank about on place ahead of Traitors.
Have you ever been gutted by an art thief?
Because I have.
Do you actually know what art theft is?
It's anything in which the 'thief' has claimed the work as their own and changed under 25 percent of the work. If the work has had over 25 percent of it changed, LEGALLY, theres nothing you could do. As well, it's also claiming work that you did not do as your own.
It's not like i'd ever really kick the snot out of someone for stealing my art. I know that is wrong. But the feeling is just about the same as what they've done to me. I've been accused of art theft. Me. Accused of stealing my own work. On these forums no less. And that feeling was just... awful. It's so low.
The mob mentality? What mob? Where? I see no mob. I see people who are angry about the fact that there is a total lack of morals in a lot of people now adays. People just don't understand how much time and effort is actually put into art, and when that time and effort is just stolen it's absolutely heart breaking! One of my pieces that was stolen was something i'd put in two days of my life into. I calculated the hours it took. 48 almost 49. TWO DAYS of my life.
That wasn't two days sitting infront of the computer, or watching tv, or just doing jack all. That was two days creating something. And in 2 minutes, someone stole those two days from me.
The law? Does not always work. Thats something you should learn. The law is a mess right now, there is too much crud stuck in the system that when people should be punished for doing wrong, they're not always. Or it's a slap on the wrist. People don't learn that way.
Threataning to get someone who stole part of my life is not nuts. It shows that I care. As i've already said, I probably wouldn't do it. For various reasons. A) I'm not a minor anymore and I could be charged as an adult B) I like to travel I don't want a criminal record and C) I'm not really as evil as I and others make myself out to be.
but the mentality where anything anyone does that you dont like is punishable by a damn good kicking is lower.
This isn't just 'anything'. This is a serious issue. This is theft, this is plagerism and it deserves to be treated as a serious issue.
people like that rank about on place ahead of Traitors.
And to be honest, I really don't like your tone, and I don't appreciate it in that comment.

Evisceration is a sign of respect.