I've failed my last test because of the errors I pointed out in ChromeFox's thread. I won't be making the same mistakes, and I won't be nervous this time. I'm taking charge and getting this over with, at least I hope. If I fail, I'm going to have a lot of anger to repress, because I don't like failing.
I just hope that my driving test this time doesn't include any more surprises. I'm going to practice parking backwards and such today just in case.
I'm definetely glad that I'll be able to use my mom's car this time. It's the Honda mini-van, and I've practiced with it for several months. I used it on my first try only to find out that I couldn't use it because THE FRONT WINDOW WOULDN'T ROLL DOWN!

It is being fixed and will be ready for me tomorrow hours before my test, lest those mechanics want hell from me.
Further elaboration about one of the reasons I failed:
> not giving way to the pedestrian. Okay, two guys started crossing the street to my left, where I was going to turn. They then walked back! It seemed obvious that they decided to let me pass first. So I waited about three seconds after they went back to the side and started turning, and it was then that they started crossing again! And I got a mark for it! BAH!
I blame myself, though. I should have encouraged them to cross by waiving my hand the way you do when telling someone to go ahead, and I should have waited until they did.
Man, I hope I pass tomorrow.

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The Infinity Program, a den of villains and swashbucklers.