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PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 1:37 am 
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Do these publishers actually think American teenagers are so stupid that they need to stoop to this level? Chatspeak is okay when used sparingly, such as when you are in a hurry (key word: sparingly). Don't use it so constantly that magazine publishers from the government (for Pete's sake; the government!) have to start using it.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 1:49 am 
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I only use chatspeak when I'm in a hurry, or when I'm talking to some of my friends (because we end up with high speed chats, but it's not TOTAL chatspeak... It's more... abbreviating stuff).

The only ones I use reguarly are things like IMO, FYI, BTW, Lol, and g2g... and I only use g2g if I'm in trouble and have to get off...

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 1:53 am 
Beyond Godly
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JellyFish72 wrote:
I only use chatspeak when I'm in a hurry, or when I'm talking to some of my friends (because we end up with high speed chats, but it's not TOTAL chatspeak... It's more... abbreviating stuff).

The only ones I use reguarly are things like IMO, FYI, BTW, Lol, and g2g... and I only use g2g if I'm in trouble and have to get off...

Pretty much same here. On AIM (which I hardly use) I tend to say 'g2g' and 'lol' and 'omg'...but not that often. I don't know, AIM is different. When my friends and I get random and crazy it just happens. But it's not chatspeak, it's more like shorthand.


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PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 1:57 am 
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AFI_Sorrow wrote:
JellyFish72 wrote:
I only use chatspeak when I'm in a hurry, or when I'm talking to some of my friends (because we end up with high speed chats, but it's not TOTAL chatspeak... It's more... abbreviating stuff).

The only ones I use reguarly are things like IMO, FYI, BTW, Lol, and g2g... and I only use g2g if I'm in trouble and have to get off...

Pretty much same here. On AIM (which I hardly use) I tend to say 'g2g' and 'lol' and 'omg'...but not that often. I don't know, AIM is different. When my friends and I get random and crazy it just happens. But it's not chatspeak, it's more like shorthand.

YES! Shorthand! That's the word I was looking for! And, AIM is different... It's more fast-paced, and when you're with your friends, you get insane... [inside joke noone will get]Don't forget the fishy! [/inside joke noone will get]

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 1:58 am 
Beyond Godly
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and i write in full english, full punctuation and all.
not just on messanger, but also on Text messages.
unless i get lazy, inwhich case the grammer can get lost.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 2:38 am 
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I see nothing wrong with chat speak. Let people use it. It seems people these days belittle chat-speaking because they want to feel they have some sort of class by using grammar. I use grammar, my friend doesn't all the time, I don't care. I correct her sometimes just to tease her but I don't hate it.

Honestly people.

(And I saw some people in this topic who claim to use proper english when they're posts aren't even grammatically correct)

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 3:02 am 
Beyond Godly
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IMO chatspeak is alright on where it should be - chat. In articles or magazines it is unacceptable, unless in special circumstances where the magazine is aimed towards chat-speaking teens.

I use shortcuts (like the IMO at the start of this post) quite often, but I only use them if the original phrase is really too long. For "u" and "you", it's only a matter of two extra letters, so there isn't much need to shorten it (unless on IM, again, where speed is everything).

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 3:56 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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I rarely use "chatspeak" unless I'm being extremely sarcastic or I'm sending a random and insane message to one of my friends. It doesn't take much effort to type "like" instead of "lyke" and it does, believe it or not, make you look less intelligent than you really are. If someone IMs me and uses chatspeak for the first three messages (and I don't know them), I will ignore them, and I see no reason why I shouldn't. If you speak and write in English, then please, type it when you're IMing me. If you don't speak, write, and type in English, then I have a translater next to me (unless it's Spanish, that I can handle). I don't care about punctuation over AIM, but please, don't type something like the third paragraph I typed.

I can handle any sort of shorthand, because those aren't taking the English language and butchering it beyond recognition. They are taking words that everyone knows and putting them into a recognizable form.

wud u rathr 1 typ3 l13k this all teh tyme 1 m33n if u can undr5tand wut 1m p5ting t3n y duznt evry1 typ3 l3ik thi5 it mk35 m3 luk k3wl rght

(Yes, that was sarcasm.)[/i]

Thanks to Laq. :o

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 5:52 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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I just pretend I can't read it if I'm given actual publications with chatspeak.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 8:34 am 
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I use what I call the "old" chatspeak. LOL, BRB, OMG, etc. Like someone else said(I think), these are just abbreviations. And, I mostly use those in IM, because it's so much faster. However, it gets annoying when people can't even spell a single word right. Boi, ur, cuz, etc.....I'd say it's lazy, except that some words even require the same amount of letters! And I plain don't get this new "1337 speak". If I have to translate a post that's supposed to be in English, I just won't read it.

When we were kids, we thought it was cool to spell "Shell" on our calculators. Now you don't even have to turn the text upside-down.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 9:16 am 
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They're trying to be down with the kids and all that.

Much like my careers service, Connexions Cumbria.

Although connexions was once a perfectly valid way of spelling, it's dropped of somewhat and looks stupid. They also publish these chatspeak things and talk about texting.

Supercilious goits.


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PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 9:17 am 
Beyond Godly
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I think some chat speak is okay in IM and text messenging but only abbrieviations. I don't look down on people for using it because it's both pathetic and patronising. Just because they use chat speak, it doesn't mean they're unintelligent and I think some people have got to understand that. It's the content that matters anyway.

I think it's going a bit too far by using it in a magazine but then again, plenty of people use it.

It's coming...

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 9:18 am 
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Oh, I will use it in texting sometimes.

I only use it if the person I'm texting also uses it. I can cram more in a message that way because I'm a tightwad :P


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PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 10:01 am 
Beyond Godly
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Twinkle wrote:
I think some chat speak is okay in IM and text messenging but only abbrieviations. I don't look down on people for using it because it's both pathetic and patronising. Just because they use chat speak, it doesn't mean they're unintelligent and I think some people have got to understand that. It's the content that matters anyway.

Depends on your definition of "chatspeak". If someone comes to you and say "lyk pwn ong how did j00 get scuh kewl pets???!!1!1?1/!" it makes you seriously doubt their intelligence, or at least maturity.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 10:23 am 
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i think i'm like most other people here. I try to use proper english all the time other than the standard abbreviations (brb, lol, imo etc), and in text messages i try and write stuff in proper words, and then if i run out of letters i shorten things down.

ooooh, you know what really annoys me, when people leave out punctuation! on msn and in texts, coz you sit there and you're like... hmmmmmm that could mean about 20 different things!!

Ammer wrote:
(And I saw some people in this topic who claim to use proper english when they're posts aren't even grammatically correct)

there's a difference between trying to type in proper english and making mistakes sometimes.

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