Woah, I stay off PPT for a few days, and the pages zoom up to... 10!

Anyway Morningstar, that sounds very scary. Strange too... I'll read up a bit about it. It's gotten me curious now. Wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't some form of biological warfare experiment gone harwire (or maybe going through testing...).
Anyway... some more random stuff 'bout me.
*I hate the way I used to be. Meaning, I hate myself the way I was 4-5 years ago.
*Over half of my friends' parents are divorced, seperated, or dead
*14 years old and I've never had a proper girlfriend
*I play guitar ^_^ Mostly Acoustic, although Electric is always fun
*I cannot live without hair gel
*I've never lasted through a pair of shoes for more than 6 months. You can imagine how my parents must love that XD
*I worry too much about what other people think, and don't live enough in the moment
*I've got two framed pictures on my wall. One of a dolphin, one of two whales in the Arctic. Dunno what significance that has, although I find that it' soothing, and helps me chill out when I'm stressed.
*I'm a strong believer in my Catholic faith.
Can't really think of much more to tell the truth.