Ok, I was lurking around today, thought maybe I could give you my opinion

First of all, how old are you? Normally, I wouldn't ask, but if you are in your teens, this kind of stuff is pretty normal. It's just your hormones.
However, there is a point when you can tell that it's NOT normal. I have been diagnosed with depression at 13-so I know all about it now. Have you been losing interest in things that you used to enjoy? Do you feel isolated, or more left out? Do you try to avoid social situations? Do you just stay in your room all day laying down and crying or just feel down for a while even if something good happens? If so, you could be suffering from a condition called clinical depression. (Wow, this really sounds like a commercial for some antidepressants, doesn't it?)
If you don't have a psychiatrist/psychologist, I suggest you look into getting one, they can diagnose that and possibly give you medication if they feel it is right for you.
Depression can't be cured, and it isn't something that you can just 'get over.' You can't just be happy or 'cheer up' just because you want to. If you really do have it, one of the best methods is medication/therapy. It can be treated, and you are stronger than the depression. Remember, there may be some things that you think might help it, or might distract you from it or something, but they can end up making you feel worse. I'm talking about self-harm, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, you get the idea. They may seem like the best solution at times, but you will really regret it later.
Again, I'm just telling you what I know about it. We're all just telling you what we know. The best way to find out is to see a real doctor and get a psychologist/psychiatrist. They know how to treat that stuff.
Also, try doing positive things, like getting involved with sports, or taking up another hobby. I know that sometimes I get depressed when I'm bored. Maybe you can start reading the newspaper, do puzzles, start knitting or play a musical instrument. Doing something makes you feel good.
Exercise is also great for depression. It released endorphins in your brain. You know how when you're hungry and then you have a nice meal and you feel full, but not stuffed? You feel satisfied and relaxed? That's because your brain releases endorphins when you're full. It also released endorphins when you're active and moving.
Good luck!
"I'm not superstitious, but I'm a little stitious."