Qanda, hiddenneggs is right for the cyborg one.
The first cyborg will clearly shoot at the 50% cyborg, killing it.
the 50% cyborg will know this, and to get back at the first cyborg will choose to shoot the first cyborg.
the 33% cyborg will know the 50% cyborg will die and shoot the first cyborg.
thus 50% is doomed the die. Now 2/3rds of the time one of the toher two cyborgs will hit their target, causing the first cyborg to die 66% of the time. 33% of the time it goes into a second round; in this case, the first cyborg wins 66% of the time and it is a draw 33% of the time.
Thus 66% of the time cyborg 3 wins, 22% of the time cyborg 1 wins, and 11% of the time its a draw.
for the number one(ive heard this one so many times im not gonna answer it)
and for my favorite riddle that ive heard so far(bewarned, its very hard-if youve heard it before and thus already know the answer please let other solve it

Two twins, we will call them Arrow and Rune have an upcomming birthday, the 16th accually. Early on the day of Arrow's birthday he gets up, and has his parents drive him over to the DMV to get her drivers permit. Rune goes along too. The lady asks if Rune will be getting a permit too. "No" the mom replies "Although they are twins, Rune's birthday isnt for another two days. The strange thing is - Rune was born first!" - Explain
To summierze: Two twins(they are eachothers twin). Younger twin turns 16. Older twin's 16th birthday isnt for another two days. How can this be?