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 Post subject: Asgonia, new role play - [open, 5/8, begun]
PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 2:47 am 
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In a far distant galaxy, there is another Earth, not much that different from ours. However, that Earth is like those that you see in those type of video games like Runescape where it's all medieval, monsters roam the land, same old same old. However, there was only one land: Asgonia, and the Asgonian Sea. Nobody knew what lay beyond their inhabited lands except mountains and forests crawling with evil. The evil and the good kept to themselves and not one of them ever actually saw each other.

One day, a mad professor is banished from Asgonia, and had the honour of being the first ever person to be exiled. Since his splicing activies had gone horribly wrong, the people didn't want to be near him and he was put on to a ship and brought to a small, uninhabited island. He was dumped there and was left to die.

Little did anyone know that the mad Professor had a little trick up his sleeve. Uttering a single word, he was able to make a gigantic laboratory that covered the exact heart of the island. Everything he needed for splicing, cloning, and other biological experiments was inside. He quickly used a Claw of the Beasts he he had conjured up to call various monsters to his little island for his splicing experiments. Soon, the entire place was covered with fearsome creatures, such as the spull (spider+bull), the crocofly (crocodile+fly), and the mish-mosh (monkey+fish).

After a few years, he remembered the peaceful land of Asgonia and decided to use the Necklace of the Gnomes to teleport his creations to reign terror upon his banishers. His most fearsome creatures, cloned and armed for battle, had been sent there, but obivously snail mail is never fast....


Meanwhile in Asgonia, a group of young warriors are hanging out around the main city, Asglo. A large fountain depicting the national animal, the lion, was spewing water over its base and spraying some over the townspeople. They were the first to see what looked like comets shoot on to the countryside. They didn't move or care until one fell right in front of them. Quickly, the turned and jumped into the fountain. Opening a small latch, they flood inside, and drop down into the sewers.

Who are these people? They are the most natural elements: Sun, Moon, Sea, Earth, Volcano, Sky, Mineral, and Cosmic. Each of them has powers which they don't even know about. Each of them has a weapon depicting their specific power. You don't think... nah... could those people be... YOU?


There are 8 powers, which are listed above.
Each weapon for their power has 5 levels (and yes, there are decimals). Armour is found later (would you randomly be wearing armour?)

The Sun: Fire, basically. Anyone posessing the power of the Sun can turn night into day or rain into Sun, but cannot turn from Sun into Rain or from day into night.
Weapon: Sun Orb (level 1)
Type: Magic
Strength/Weakness: Endurance/Depends on sun

Moon: The natural powers of light and darkness. They can also turn from day into night but not from night into day. Their powers are based on how full the moon is.
Weapon: Moon Charm (level 1)
Type: Magic
Strength/Weakness: Magic/Depends on moon

Sea: The powers of water. When you are strong enough, you can turn a small area of land into water temporarily.
Weapon: Water Droplet (level 1)
Type: Magic
Strength/Weakness: Magic/Agility

Earth: To be able to control dirt and elements you can find naturally and even change them - wicked!
Weapon: Razor Sharp Leaf (level 1)
Type: Physical
Strength/Weakness: Defense/Endurance

Volcano: A combination of Sun and Earth, the only flaw from Volcano being the best power is its uncontrollable-ness. You have to be able to endure a lot of thoughts to be able to control this power.
Weapon: Sun Dagger (level 2)/Pumice Dagger (level 0.5)
Type: Physical
Strength/Weakness: Attack/Ability to attack your own team mates

Sky: Not good for attacking, but wouldn't it be great to fly and warn? At least you have good agility.
Weapon: Scrawled Note (level 1)
Type: Physical
Strength/Weakness: Agility/Attack

Mineral: Great when it comes to defending. Can also turn rocks into special things which you can sell for money, which you'll DEFINITELY need.
Weapon: Rock Slingshot (level 1)
Type: Physical
Strength/Weakness: Defense/Agility

Cosmic: I call upon the power of the stars and planets... works best at night.
Weapon: Cosmic Throwing Stars
Type: Magic
Strength/Weakness: Magic/Depends on night

Well, let's see what happens. Criteria:


For example:
Name: King Aranaldo, King of Asgonia
Age: 47
Gender: Male
Power: Kinglyness :D
Description: Fat, regal-looking. Retired warrior.
Clothes: Blue regal-looking cape with stars. Extra thick. Wears clothes like King Arnold.


Last edited by Tyrannitar on Wed May 11, 2005 4:09 am, edited 4 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 9:59 pm 
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Location: Searching for my common, head.
((Is it okay if he's not human?))Name: Coasta
Age: 25
Power: most likely water, but he really has no clue
Description: He's only two foot six, but don't judge him by his appearance! He's a tough little guy, ho-boy! His skin is a dusty blueish tone, his hair is electric blue. His eyes are silvery, the skin of his eye sockets is dark blue-green, and instead of ears he has fin-like things (did I mention he isn't human, but instead an imp?). His nose is very round, and sort of pudgy, and he only has three fingers and a thumb to each hand. He looks sweet and cuddly, but really, he's not.
Clothes: a leather cap with ear flaps, a dark blue coat with large tails over a long sleeved white shirt, brown full length(for him) breeches, felt boots, and fingerless leather gloves. This is his only outfit, which he keeps in good condition. Also, he is a messenger.

((I don't usually go with the elementalish theme, but this looks promising.))

Set by Scholastic, winner of my set contest!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 11:18 pm 
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Sir Isaac wrote:
((Is it okay if he's not human?))Name: Coasta
Age: 25
Power: most likely water, but he really has no clue
Description: He's only two foot six, but don't judge him by his appearance! He's a tough little guy, ho-boy! His skin is a dusty blueish tone, his hair is electric blue. His eyes are silvery, the skin of his eye sockets is dark blue-green, and instead of ears he has fin-like things (did I mention he isn't human, but instead an imp?). His nose is very round, and sort of pudgy, and he only has three fingers and a thumb to each hand. He looks sweet and cuddly, but really, he's not.
Clothes: a leather cap with ear flaps, a dark blue coat with large tails over a long sleeved white shirt, brown full length(for him) breeches, felt boots, and fingerless leather gloves. This is his only outfit, which he keeps in good condition. Also, he is a messenger.

((I don't usually go with the elementalish theme, but this looks promising.))

'Also, he is a messenger.'

If you want, I think that the Imp could be better off with Sky. It seems to be mesenger and since they're so small its agility would be best. Wow, tha t didn't make sense at all. o.o

Thanks for caring. Let's see if anyone else comes. :D


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 11:22 pm 
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OOC: Might I claim sun? Writing things up right now, just wanted to claim first. xD

... actually, I'm going to be fickle and say I actually want Mineral =meeks= I'm fickle. Until I decide. And then I'm not...

Iced - Silver [dot] Net ... now go. And maybe someday I'll actually get up something that resembles a pretty sig.

Last edited by shavynel on Mon May 09, 2005 11:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 11:29 pm 
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In depth-info about some of the abilities you have chosen.

Sky: By posessing the power of the sky, you can fly about with great agility and look around and see if there is any trouble approaching for the other team mates. Your level 1 weapon, Scrawled Note, doesn't actually do anything, sort of like that Splash attack in Pokemon. It might work if you can use it strategitcally though, but don't count on it. When you grow strong enough, you can help make a potion from clouds that will allow your fellow team mates to fly too.
Scrawled Note
Level: 0
WHAM! Slap your opponents with this, err... piece of rotten paper?...

Sun: The powers of the Sun are simple: Magic, fire, can turn night into day but not day into night... it can also provide a fiery power to light up your path, because even though the Moon power is best for that, when the Moon isn't full or at least a quarter of the way... yeah. Fire excells in magic, but remember it's weaker at night time. However, if you go to another side of Asgonia where it is sunny, then the power will still work. The weapon, Sun Orb, casts small flame droplets to rain down upon your opponents. One doesn't do much damage, but you can make an entire cloud of it to rain down upon the enemy. During night time, the only resource you have is your Soul.
Sun Orb
Level 1
Rain fire against your opponents! Doesn't work at night time.

Earth: When you are new, all you can do is spike your opponents with your weapon and make grasses and flowers grow. As you grow stronger you can make healing plants, shrubs, and herbs grow, as well as a large ivy wall that spurts up from the ground that can protect you and your team mates. The Earth power also excells at making potions.
Razor Sharp Leaves
Level 1
What's throwable and slashable? Razor Sharp Leaves! :D Might not always come back.

Mineral: At your first stage, you can turn basic rocks into copper . Eventually you can turn things into gold, but before you begin turning things into other things you have to gain enough experience. If you try to turn a rock into gold now, the greed of your heart will end up turning YOU into a pillar of SALT!!! Your attack or agility isn't exactly the best, but it's okay; your main powers are defense! As you grow stronger you can make turn your body into stone like a stone golem and protect yourself the best way you can! This also applies for other team mates.

Stone Slingshot
Level 1
If you're not strong enough to throw stones far enough towards your opponent, then this might help...

Moon: Light and darkness, anyone? Its magic is one of the best, and it has the ability to turn from day into night, but not from night into day. Legend has it that the powers of the Moon and the powers of the Sun were always great rivals, but nothing more than a little bickering over whether they want it to be night or day. Remember that its powers work best when the Moon is the fullest. When there is a new Moon, the powers of your Soul will be your greatest friend.
Moon Charm
Level 1
Reflect this off the power of the Moon to use its special power.

Volcano: Ever seen that episode of Spongebob Squarepants where Squidward becomes the Volcano Guy and attempt to save the town from the likes of Barnacle Boy, Manray, and the Dirty Bubble? That'll give you an idea of what this power is like. The Volcano holder is an ignorant person, perferring to stay away from the rest of the people. (See goth, no offense to goths though, I'm just sayin'...) Just be careful not to explode everywhere...
Sun Dagger
Level 2
The next weapon of the Sun Power, in Volcano's hands, this has a tendency to turn into a Pumice Dagger...
Pumice Dagger
Level 0.5
The weakest weapon ever, its blade has been used far too many times for much damage infliction. Perhaps if you coat the tip with something... else?

Sea: The natural powers of water. With the powers of the Sea you can shoot bursts of water at your opponent. Also it can change the weather, from Sunny into Rainy or from Sunny into Cloudy. Even though I don't know exactly why you would want Cloudy weather, but... could it have something to do with its strong relationship with the powers of the Sky? You are a natural good swimmer and can dive underwater and swim like a fish. As you grow strong enough you can collect magical ingredients for a potion and use the powers of Earth to make a concoction that enhances lung capacity and swimming speed!
Water Orb
Level 1
Shoot small droplets of water at your opponent! You can also make a small raincloud over them to shoot even stronger water droplets are your opponent, but make sure that it isn't too sunny! The more sun, the less time the cloud lasts.

Cosmic: The most mysterious of the powers. With Cosmic powers, you can read the patterns of the planets for your team mates and the stars are your best bet for your magical powers. This type of element works best at night. Cosmic is basically the opposite of Earth; Earth uses a little bit of physical and magic powers, and so does Cosmic. Both of them are ranged, with Earth being more physical and Cosmic being more magical.
Galactic Throwing Stars
Level 1.1
Formed from fallen stars, they can spike at your opponents as if it were dough...

Your Soul: Let me explain something about endurance: ever played the game Kingdom Hearts? Well, I'll be taking a little leaf out of their book. Enemies will try to take your Soul, so be careful! If you lose your Soul, you have to use a special Potion of Life to rejuvinate you. You can still use your powers and walk around, but it's just like not having a soul in Harry Potter: you'll be an empty shell. You also can't use your strongest powers without a soul.
Potion of Life
Level 5 (the levels apply for all armours, weapons, and potions)
Its ingredients and proper use are a mystery, but it could also be the key to one's heart...

Well, I hope you all get it now. :)


Last edited by Tyrannitar on Tue May 10, 2005 12:57 am, edited 4 times in total.

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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 11:42 pm 
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((Since we're allowed to claim things beforehand, I claim moon! I'm writing up stuff right now, in case you're wondering.))

Wonderful Altador Cup set by Pixa! ♥

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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 11:52 pm 
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Trinity wrote:
((Since we're allowed to claim things beforehand, I claim moon! I'm writing up stuff right now, in case you're wondering.))

Shavynel, are you going to claim Mineral or Sun? Remember that both you and Trinity have to give proper applications ASAP.


Last edited by Tyrannitar on Tue May 10, 2005 12:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 11:58 pm 
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OOC: I'll be claiming mineral. I've flipped my trustworthy coin and it's stayed the same for a number of flips. So mineral it is. And yes, I am indeed writing.


Name: Tiais
Age: 22
Power: Mineral
Description: Tiais is neither tall nor short, neither heavy nor light. The only thing, perhaps, that makes him stand out, at first glace, is that he is so not-so-different (when compared to other human). His hair is neither dark nor light and is somewhere bordering between brown and blond and his eyes are about the same shade (no one's really cared to figure out which one was darker or which was lighter). His skin, while leaning towards the paler side, is some shade between dark and light as well. There's small things that would seperate him from a crowd, such as his slightly larger nose and longer fingers, but these are easily missed at first glance.
Clothes: Generally can be found wearing a long-sleeved once-white shirt (he's not too keen about keeping himself clean) and some shade of brown breeches (you can't really tell whether they started that color or if he got them so dirty that they became that color). Normally he'll be found with a leather vest on and occasionally he'll be found with leather shoes (though he prefers to go without shoes, he finds them necessary at times).

Iced - Silver [dot] Net ... now go. And maybe someday I'll actually get up something that resembles a pretty sig.

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PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 12:35 am 
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Thanks. :) This leaves 3 spots left. Anyone, anyone? Oh, and my good friend Squinty Eyed will be joining...

He can't log into his account at the moment, so I'll post it for him:
Name: Corinth
Age: 19
Description: Corinth is a mysterious person. Not much is really known about him. He has black hair tinted with dark purple that spikes right up naturally without hair gel.
Clothes: A purple cloak, with a hood. Nobody knows what else he wears, but underneath the clothes could there be something... rather different? (not as in body parts, but more as in clothes)

The rules will be made up when all 8 people arrive. :)


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PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 1:23 am 
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Name: Lilith
Age: 16
Power: Moon
Description: Lilith is a short, at the height of 5'2, but a stunningly pretty young woman with ebony curls framing her alabaster coloured skin. (I'm putting the personality in this category too, so:) She's rather quiet and withdrawn; but gets over-protective and almost clingy to anyone she gets close to.
Clothes: ((Found a cool picture that I based the character off of, but I can't descibe the clothes. So; I shall upload the pictures...(Remember, they aren't mine:)
There is also a tiny exotic bird perched on her shoulder a lot))

Wonderful Altador Cup set by Pixa! ♥

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PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 2:14 am 
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(( might work. I'm currently developing Coasta for a comic, in which he's a water imp. but I think I'll change it for this, since I'm not using his companion, a weird bird-dinosaur-drake thing called Karakinka. So, Sky it is! And the rotten piece of paper is perfect for a messenger :lol:))

Set by Scholastic, winner of my set contest!

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PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 2:25 am 
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Ah, what the heck.
It is very important you read over these and follow them!
1. Please read the regular Role Playing Forum Rules, if you haven't already.
2. People of their elements can PM me if they want to make a twist in the plot where they acquire a new weapon. You don't need my approval to make new potions or get new armour, but it's the weapons. If you don't want to make up any weapons for yourself, PM me so that I can either disqualify you or I can make up weapons for you by adding my own plot twists... hehe. Yes, disqualify you. If you are going to be a part of this role play, you have to have some sort of imagination that is active throughout it, and what's better than weapons?
3. For all items, if you make up weapons, armours, or potions, you may find pictures. If not, for weapons ONLY, you can bring the matter to me and I will get you a picture of a weapon from, unless I can't find it. NOTE: A good resource for Potion Images would be the Healing Potions from Neopets.
4. Unless you are Volcano or have a natural rivalary with an element, you cannot attack anyone of your own team mates without an approval from me to add that kind of plot twist. However, if you have to attack a team mate to benefit it, then go right on ahead. By attacking team mates, that might be a sign that you DON'T actually want to save the world, so you will be given one strike. If you do it again, then you will be disqualified.
5. Your weapons, armours, and potions can only go up to a natural extent. For example, you can't just make up some Super Strength Potion, drink it, and then kill everything you see. Any sign of this will have you disqualified. You can go right on ahead for making your own descriptions for Potions and Armours, but for weapons, you must send me a name, image (if possible), level, and description, and get me approval for creating such an item before adding it to the game.
6. You cannot win at everything. Though it might as well be possible to survive this entire thing without getting killed, you still must have to make your character win some and lose some. If I see that you seem to be invincable, you will be PMed, asking to give a legimate excuse. Failure to respond in three days will give you a strike. Failure to respond in a week will get you disqualified.
7. If for any reason you must leave the RPG, whether you're grounded or you're going somewhere, please PM me, telling me when you'll be getting back, where you're going, anything you think is important. If you mysteriously disappear for over 2 weeks, then your character will be temporarily controlled by someone else, namely me. If you do not return in a month, then you will be disqualified.
8. All locations you go around in, for a basic view, is here:
So what if it's bad? It works, and that's the most important part. :P
Cities that are SQUARE are big cities. Cities that are smaller squares are towns or smaller cities. Cities that are just dots aren't cities but a small establishment or village. In-depth city guide:
Asglo (****): Capital city of Asglonia. The king resides here.
Under Aslgo (**): A mysterious city a little bit under Asglo, where the Mad Professor was rumored to have emerged from.
Mitris (*): A tiny mining town in front of the Clokend Mountain Mine.
Titris (**): A slightly larging sister town to Mitris. It is at the other end of the Clokend Mines.
Spring Meadows (***): A beautiful city set next to the mountains and the plains. Ideal vacationing spot.
Thetra Town (***): A town full of brutes and rouges. Great place for physical training.
Witch's Tower (**): A scary hag lives at the top, but on the other floors, they are inhabited by magical tutors.
Las Lagon (**): A fishing town. The Lagon Port is also here. Things that arrive at the Port are shipped out all over the continent.
Till Sands: (*): A primitive settlement out on the desert.
Elven Harbour (*): At the edge of Shirewood Forest, this village has a port that is exclusively for elves.
Green City (***): A great southern city set next to the treachorous Shirewood Forest.
Greenville (**): A happy, jolly place that believes that keeping the enviroment clean is the best bet for the future.
Green Town (**): A town full of pollution. They created Waste Lake in the North.
Green Village (*): A dwarven village set at the foot of the Lost Hills.
Nomad Well (***): A large rest-stop for nomads. People come from far and wide to see the great Nomad Well set in the center of the city and buy things from the Great Nomad Marketplace.
Nomad Maze (*): An inhabited town which is a huge maze full of Nomad's stores, kind of like a bank for Nomads. Rumor has it that in the very center there is the Nomad King's Treasures.
Warmthville (***): The northern city with a port, sister to Las Lagon. Stores that arrive here are sent to Swaga.
Swaga (*): A town that collects Warmthville's stores and sends it off throughout the land.
Marinora (*): A village next to the marsh.
Monastary (**): A settlement of monks.
The Northern Jewel (***): The great Northern city.
Eggville (**): Named for being on an egg-shaped island. These people use the entire island for farming and ship it out to the rest of the land.
Cani (*): A town that is frequently a rest stop for travellers that dare go through the Twin Pass.
Peninsula Resort (**): A great, oceanic resort next to the ocean. Also an ideal fishing place.
The Mad Professor (***): The island in which the professor was banished to. It is crawling with mutants.
Elven Stop (**): Set at the edge of the Wood, the Elven Stop is a rest stop for elves who are arriving or leaving the forest.
Shena (*): A small elven settlement next to the desert.
Eragonata (**): Inhabited with elves, they believe that dragons still exist.
Shina (*): A town near Eragonata that rejects the idea of dragons. Elven.
Corinth (**): A town that has an annual Elven Corn Festival each month.
Oraganath (***): The great capital Elven City.
Sho (*): A small Elven rest stop.
Sha (**): Sister city to Sho. Is an ideal training place, because all of the elves that live here can morph stone into gold.
Sap (**): The great northern Elven city. Sister city to Sho and Sha.
Mine Town (*): A town which searches has been searching for ages for the Lost Mine.
Lost Mine (**): A lost mine that is rumored to still have many valuables inside.
Lost Hills (**): The great western Dwarven Settlement above land.
Mystary (**): An underground Dwarven Settlement.
Candel (***): The greatest Dwarven City in all the land. The only way to reach it is by going from Mystary Tunnels, under Candel Lake, and on to the island, because the Lake is crawling with dangerous fish.
Clokend Mountain Ring: A ring of mountains surrounding the greatest cities of the land.
Clokend Mountain Mines: A mine that can also be used to go directly north out of the Clokend Mountain Ring.
The Twin Lakes: Two lakes that has a stretch of land going through them.
Asglonian Desert: An uninhabited stretch of land in the north.
Asglonian Marsh: A treachorous piece of Asglonian Land that has many special healing and magical herbs.
Lost Hills: Related to Dwarves, anyone that tries to go through it without going in the tunnels will surely get lost.
The Western Plains: A stretch of land that is completely green.
Candel Lake: A ringed, dangerous lake surrounding Candel.
Shirewood Forest: An Elven forest. Anyone that enters it never comes out again...
Asglonia: ...the land we play in?...

If you think anything else is necessary, PM me. I may also be assigning an assistant helper, but only when all 8 people are signed up. If you are interested, you need MSN. The assistant helper helps for ideas and answers some PM's that you throw at them.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 3:57 am 
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Name: Surda
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Power: Sun
Description: Flaming red hair that flows past his eyes. He wears a chain with a ruby sun at the end.
Clothes: Flowing red long robes with a flame design, same for shoes and gloves.

This looks promising. :)

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PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 4:07 am 
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That's more than half of the people we need: excellent! As you might already see, the title now says 'begun', meaning that it has began. These are the chosen elements:


The remaining elements:


were swept along another pipe that branched from directly underneath Asglo! They are gone!

But under Asglo? What could be under Aslgo?

Yes, that's right. UNDER ASGLO!


As your little party starts to approach the pipe that would bring them directly to the Underground City, a large rush of water starts to pick up, and all of a sudden you are swept down the other pipe, unable to fend for yourself. When you awaken you find yourself in a strange, newplace, with a bunch of sewer rats slowly approaching you...

OCC: I will be playing for Squinty Eyed, which he tells me regularly about what he wants done with his character, because he's much too busy to type.


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PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 10:56 pm 
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Coasta sat up, rubbing his forehead. He looked around, wishing for a little bit of light. The sound of the slowly dripping water reverberated on the curved sewer walls. His clothes were wet and dirty now, and he certainly did not like it when that happened. Water started to soak through his impractical boots, and he cursed softly. He spread his hands to the sides of him, and walked to the left, soon touching a moldy wall. He started to make his way down the tunnel, murmuring poetry under his breath. "Deep in the earth in walls of slime/ working towards the end of... um, time/ whilst thoughts tumble in thy- Wow, that's a big rat! oh, darn it, where was I going with this?" All the poems he recited were of his own making.

Set by Scholastic, winner of my set contest!

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