Ginger Harp Seal Pup wrote:
Nice car! It amazes me how people can afford such things though. When I learn to drive I'll end up with a small car about 20 years old.
I took out money from my mutual funds to buy it. The gas here... is only 80-90 cents a litre (I can still remember when 55 was considered high *sigh*). I'm also going to end up with a part time job next year while i'm at school (or should I say if? And if not, full time job), to help pay for the costs of owning it.
Either that. Or i'll sell art, and pray that I can cover costs that way. It only costs around 40 dollars (Canadian of course) to fill up my tank. It costs about 70 to fill up my parents van. So I feel lucky.
Xil wrote:
Good Car.
Icky License
Shouldn't it look more like this?
I wouldn't paste that liscence plate on my car if I had too. It's SSSOOOO UGLY.
Twisted Sanity wrote:
Hey, nice car . But it's nothing compared to what I (will) have. I (will) own a massive hummer, which will be used to run over lamp posts and defenceless cockroaches. And possibly drop bears.
I hate Hummers, they're a bane to society. They waste way too much fuel, they're useless in the city, and they're a complete statement of "look at me and how much money I have". They and other SUVs and Trucks choke the environment way more then little cars. I don't mind if you actually use your vehicle for hauling things, but when you own it because you're in the city and you "look cool" I have issues.
Igg wrote:
Yeesh Sandra, that's a damn good car.
I like to think so!

Evisceration is a sign of respect.