coming2atvnearu wrote:
Who wants a completely offtopic question???
Oooh I do!
At what point does a discussion become debate board material? Just curious.
Who wants to go back on topic?
Oooh I do!
While I believe that there are omens or signs or whatever you want to call them when we're trying to be shown something, I think that by saying you saw violence on TV you're not getting the trickj. That's like saying you went to a plant store and you're surprised you saw roses or a court room and surprised you saw lawyers or Iraq and surprised you saw Weapons of Mass Destruction... wait. Ok well 2 out of 3 ain't bad either.
Oh, comingt2atvnearu, you are definitely one of the reasons I hang around this site. Have you ever thought about doing stand up? I would say lawyer, and I think you'd be brilliant in the courtroom, but I get the feeling that you would take a pass on it. Maybe Ralph Nader's replacment when he eventually retires?
You are so right. It could just be total coincidence--or because one was seen, a heightened awareness came about when the other "deathly" things followed. Sort of like never noticing anyone driving a black 2002 Honda Civic, but as soon as you buy one, it seems you see one everytime you are driving.
One final thought from me (I see you all shaking your heads saying please, no more words!

). One of the greatest Presidents, if not the greatest President, of the United States was a strong believer in the supernatural. Abraham Lincoln had seances in the White House, felt/saw the ghost of his dead son on several occasions, and had 2 vivid premonitions of his own death shortly before he died.
And, honestly, it is something that none of us will really ever know for sure until we are no longer around in the flesh. I hate to sound morbid, but it is true.
So, basically, it is a matter of believing what you will. I believe what I believe and I do respect people who don't believe the same as me.
There, I put the soap box away for awhile.
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