I'm not going to use IE for one website, if it's slow on Mozilla and not on IE then I find that very odd and like I say that reason alone is enough for me not to look into it further. Along with the many glitches I've heard of and I'm very sure those people weren't lying.
I'm not acusing your dear friends of lying, I am merely pointing out that most of, it not all of those glitches have been taken care of. We tend to fix our glitches.

there's no reason for it not to be totally browser compatible to begin with.
Apparantly there is a reason, because it's not totally browser compatible.
But I haven't heard anything good enough about it to make me want to try when I already have neo, all I seem to hear is about people who have quit it
Your loss. Signing up and browsing only takes a few minutes of your time. I guess if you value your time so much and are worried it might be a total waste, well, it's up to you if you want to stay away from this little miracle of a website.
I like it alot
I actually prefer it to neopets sometimes, it's alot easier to make money and you can actually have a goal (Blue building) so you're not just playing games and trying to make ponts.
I must admit I missed the reset so when I saw you posting and went back to my account I was quite shocked to find alot of my stuff missing, I still don't get the whole 'war' between Cydewinder and Keith
Glad someone likes it!
Yeah, I also don't really get the war. I have no clue who started it anyways, since I doubt Keith or Cyde would organize something like that, and then, not let anything happen. XD I suppose it'll be more like a war when -something- comes out. =X
I have to say it's awesome or else you'll kick me off staff, right?
I can't, and if I could, why would I?

Your art rocks!
Anyone who works for Subeta want to tell me what email address I used?
Lucky you, Stijn.