[Yup, it's me, Jade ^.^ I'm back, and I've decided to RP again. Do any of you even remember me? o.O Ah, well. It's only to be expected that even the memory of my existence is now is smithereens, I've been away for so long.]
Imacahr, 1847-
It is a world of terror. Of death. Bloodshed. Evil. There is no such thing as peace, no such thing as happiness. The strong live, the weak fall. Hunt or be hunted. Everywhere, there is chaos. There is betrayal. There is hurt. There is the bang from the shot of a pistol, the clash of sword against sword. It is a world where a mother would sell or own child into slavery for food. A world where one would give their own flesh for a comrade to survive. A world where power and strength are everything.
Blades slash. The shadows of men rise behind the smoke. Kill or be killed. That is the rule of life.
It is a world of flames.
A world of hell.
And, from those flames of hell, demons began to awaken.
The Akute (Ahk – teh) are a small band of killers (men and women,) just like the rest. But they are strong – unbelievably strong. They are the ultimate assassination society. They are ruthless warriors who have murdered thousands. But, deep within them, there is a sense of nobility. They, unlike the rest, are not without morals. They would never hurt an innocent – rather, they targeted those who did. Whenever some foolish idiot with a big ego and quite a bit of power thought to conquer Imacahr, the Akute would strike him and his followers down in an instant. The Akute protected the weak. They are held together by a strong bond of friendship and trust, two things that are very rarely heard of in this time.
What, you were expecting us to play a group of peace-loving fairies on a mission to end all this destruction? xP Now. Even though we protect the weak, we’re still “bad people” for killing so much. It’s just that our hearts aren’t as screwed up as most of the others are. Whenever we kill, we act just as merciless as anybody. Create a split personality between cold-blooded murderer and the “true” you out of killer-mode if you have to. (Heh, sorry, I’ve been reading too much Kenshin.) Oh yes, we do have a leader, a man named Lance, but he’ll only be played by me.
To do with the demons from the last line in the Intro. They were created by the evil and cruelty of Imacahr, and they came to, er, create even more evil and cruelty. They have just arisen recently and there are only a few sightings, but the Akute must stop them.
(Sorry if I didn't explain things very well, but I haven't been RPing for months >.< I'll let you get more of a drift once we start.)
Fighting Traits (what am I supposed to call them? X_x)
- Speed
- Strength
- Precision
- Ability to read moves (yes, I really have been reading too much Kenshin, haven’t I?)
- Endurance
- Intellect (like, I dunno, just generally being extremely smart. Think Artemis Fowl or Raitou from Death Note.)
- Normal RP rules apply.
- Please try and post at least, say, twice a week?
- Pick two of the “Fighting Traits” for your character, no more (remember, your traits are “extreme,” so you’re gonna be more than powerful enough if you have two.
- You can use swords or pistols, but not both. I think using swords would be a lot more fun to describe in your RP’ing, but I guess having tiny silver guns going BANG BANG BANG’s gotta be pretty cool too =D But, if you don’t like either, you can use swords, scythes, maces, bow & arrow, whatever.
- Make sure your two fighting traits don’t exactly match another person's. Every character must have a different two.
- You can have up to two characters, but you can have only one if you want.
- If you have more than one character, you are free to kill the other one whenever you wish.
- Note: it is 1847. Even though Imacahr is a different world, it’s still similar to how ours was around that time.
Character Bio
Fighting Traits:
My Bios-
Name: Menai
Age: 17
Fighting Traits: Endurance, precision
Personality: She is always cold, merciless and extremely dangerous. Just the terrible look in her eyes is enough to drive any weak-hearted fool into instant despair. Whenever she is angered, all her chilling traits will only increase tenfold. She rarely speaks and when she does, she is curt. She seems incapable of smiles or laughter, though only fellow members of the Akute can see through her cool exterior and find plenty of unexplainable, confusing emotion underneath.
Appearance: She is tall and thin, with a deep aura of danger. She has tanned skin, and long, red hair pulled back into a tight braid. Her amber eyes are cold and glittering.
Weapon(s): Silver duel pistols
Other: N/A
Name: Caress
Age: 14
Fighting Traits: Speed, ability to read moves
Personality: To her friends in the Akute, she is a childish, smiling, affectionate girl. She is brave and strong-willed at heart. Her temper is admirably even. She is not easily wounded by insults. She is always kind and considerate. However, when she kills, she is suddenly silent and deadly, her eyes hardened and her concentration never wavering. However, deep inside, it hurts her to take away the life of even the foulest of cowardly hearts. She does not enjoy her job, and finds no thrill in killing, but it is necessary.
Appearance: She is small and light, which makes her fast, but her lack of strength is a disadvantage to her. She has soft, wavy blonde hair just past shoulder-length. Her large blue eyes are warm most of the time, but can be narrowed and piercing in an instant.
Weapon(s): A curved sword.
Other: N/A
[*Prays that this doesn't die*]

Last edited by _jade_em_ on Fri Jul 01, 2005 1:47 am, edited 2 times in total.