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 Post subject: Imacahr - Akute [Closed]
PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 2:55 pm 
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Location: High-security asylum cell.
[Yup, it's me, Jade ^.^ I'm back, and I've decided to RP again. Do any of you even remember me? o.O Ah, well. It's only to be expected that even the memory of my existence is now is smithereens, I've been away for so long.]

Imacahr, 1847-

It is a world of terror. Of death. Bloodshed. Evil. There is no such thing as peace, no such thing as happiness. The strong live, the weak fall. Hunt or be hunted. Everywhere, there is chaos. There is betrayal. There is hurt. There is the bang from the shot of a pistol, the clash of sword against sword. It is a world where a mother would sell or own child into slavery for food. A world where one would give their own flesh for a comrade to survive. A world where power and strength are everything.

Blades slash. The shadows of men rise behind the smoke. Kill or be killed. That is the rule of life.

It is a world of flames.

A world of hell.

And, from those flames of hell, demons began to awaken.


The Akute (Ahk – teh) are a small band of killers (men and women,) just like the rest. But they are strong – unbelievably strong. They are the ultimate assassination society. They are ruthless warriors who have murdered thousands. But, deep within them, there is a sense of nobility. They, unlike the rest, are not without morals. They would never hurt an innocent – rather, they targeted those who did. Whenever some foolish idiot with a big ego and quite a bit of power thought to conquer Imacahr, the Akute would strike him and his followers down in an instant. The Akute protected the weak. They are held together by a strong bond of friendship and trust, two things that are very rarely heard of in this time.


What, you were expecting us to play a group of peace-loving fairies on a mission to end all this destruction? xP Now. Even though we protect the weak, we’re still “bad people” for killing so much. It’s just that our hearts aren’t as screwed up as most of the others are. Whenever we kill, we act just as merciless as anybody. Create a split personality between cold-blooded murderer and the “true” you out of killer-mode if you have to. (Heh, sorry, I’ve been reading too much Kenshin.) Oh yes, we do have a leader, a man named Lance, but he’ll only be played by me.

To do with the demons from the last line in the Intro. They were created by the evil and cruelty of Imacahr, and they came to, er, create even more evil and cruelty. They have just arisen recently and there are only a few sightings, but the Akute must stop them.

(Sorry if I didn't explain things very well, but I haven't been RPing for months >.< I'll let you get more of a drift once we start.)

Fighting Traits (what am I supposed to call them? X_x)
- Speed
- Strength
- Precision
- Ability to read moves (yes, I really have been reading too much Kenshin, haven’t I?)
- Endurance
- Intellect (like, I dunno, just generally being extremely smart. Think Artemis Fowl or Raitou from Death Note.)

- Normal RP rules apply.
- Please try and post at least, say, twice a week?
- Pick two of the “Fighting Traits” for your character, no more (remember, your traits are “extreme,” so you’re gonna be more than powerful enough if you have two.
- You can use swords or pistols, but not both. I think using swords would be a lot more fun to describe in your RP’ing, but I guess having tiny silver guns going BANG BANG BANG’s gotta be pretty cool too =D But, if you don’t like either, you can use swords, scythes, maces, bow & arrow, whatever.
- Make sure your two fighting traits don’t exactly match another person's. Every character must have a different two.
- You can have up to two characters, but you can have only one if you want.
- If you have more than one character, you are free to kill the other one whenever you wish.
- Note: it is 1847. Even though Imacahr is a different world, it’s still similar to how ours was around that time.

Character Bio
Fighting Traits:


My Bios-

Name: Menai
Age: 17
Fighting Traits: Endurance, precision
Personality: She is always cold, merciless and extremely dangerous. Just the terrible look in her eyes is enough to drive any weak-hearted fool into instant despair. Whenever she is angered, all her chilling traits will only increase tenfold. She rarely speaks and when she does, she is curt. She seems incapable of smiles or laughter, though only fellow members of the Akute can see through her cool exterior and find plenty of unexplainable, confusing emotion underneath.
Appearance: She is tall and thin, with a deep aura of danger. She has tanned skin, and long, red hair pulled back into a tight braid. Her amber eyes are cold and glittering.
Weapon(s): Silver duel pistols
Other: N/A

Name: Caress
Age: 14
Fighting Traits: Speed, ability to read moves
Personality: To her friends in the Akute, she is a childish, smiling, affectionate girl. She is brave and strong-willed at heart. Her temper is admirably even. She is not easily wounded by insults. She is always kind and considerate. However, when she kills, she is suddenly silent and deadly, her eyes hardened and her concentration never wavering. However, deep inside, it hurts her to take away the life of even the foulest of cowardly hearts. She does not enjoy her job, and finds no thrill in killing, but it is necessary.
Appearance: She is small and light, which makes her fast, but her lack of strength is a disadvantage to her. She has soft, wavy blonde hair just past shoulder-length. Her large blue eyes are warm most of the time, but can be narrowed and piercing in an instant.
Weapon(s): A curved sword.
Other: N/A

[*Prays that this doesn't die*]


Last edited by _jade_em_ on Fri Jul 01, 2005 1:47 am, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 6:51 pm 
Beyond Godly
Beyond Godly
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Location: Right here, I think.
[Of course I remember you, Jade. :)

Name: Alistair (Ally)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Fighting Traits: Strength, Speed
Personality: You'll see!
Appearance: Short dirty blonde hair, emerald green eyes. Wears a silver chain around his neck. Is tanned, like his sister. Wears long back trousers and a white shirt, with black boots.
Weapon(s): A sword. <3
Other: Ally and Elouai are twins, brought up amongst the Akute. Their parents were part of the organisation, but they were killed when the twins were only three. They were left and now serve loyally.

Name: Elouai
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Fighting Traits: Intellect, Precision
Personality: You'll see!
Appearance: Looks exactly like her brother (yes, even the short blonde hair), except she wears a cross around her neck instead of a silver chain. She also wears a gold stud in her left ear. She has long, thin, tanned legs. She wears long black trousers and boots and a black sleeveless top in all weathers to show off her slender, also tanned arms. Considered beautiful by many. Her eyes bore into others', making them sometimes weak.
Weapon(s): A gun. <3
Other: Ally and Elouai are twins, brought up amongst the Akute. Their parents were part of the organisation, but they were killed when the twins were only three. They were left and now serve loyally.]

|| Set // WIS < 33 ||

Last edited by Anubis on Tue Jul 05, 2005 5:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 10:46 pm 
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Location: Lurking...
[o_o Can I join? I haven’t role-played in so long...I kinda miss it...]

Name: Seiryu
Age: 15
Fighting Traits: Speed, Intellect
Personality: Seiryu's true personality is unknown to almost everyone he meets. Once someone believes they have figured him out, he surprises them by disproving their conclusions. He almost always wears a mask, whether it is a joker’s mask, or just the mask of an average person to conceal his true thoughts. Most people never even know he wears these masks, and only the most perceptive can ever see past the fake smiles and soft spoken words. No one has yet to see the real Seiryu.
Appearance: His frame is small and slender, not to large, yet not too short either. His size allows him to slip unnoticed into the most guarded of places, and gives him the speed needed to out maneuver and escape stronger opponents. He has extremely pale skin and long silvery white hair. He always dyes his hair before going out on an assignment, usually a dark brown or black to cut down on the chance of being recognized. His eyes are a deep red color, shining out from beneath his long bangs like twin rubies. In truth, he is a ghost, able to disappear into a crowd people without being spotted. The fact that he does so with such recognizable features speaks volumes about his skills.
Weapon(s): Hidden knives, twin scimitars
Other: N/A

[Bleh...I have Yami Bakura on the brain...]


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 11:28 pm 

Posts: 1249
Joined: Mon May 31, 2004 3:19 pm
Location: Glued to a computer chair. *Glares at cousin*
(We remember you Jade. Me and Anubis and all the rest haven't forgotten. How could we, with all the rps we've been through?)

Age: Sarena (Sah-rain-ah with the nickname "Rain")
Fighting Traits: Precision
Gender: Female
Personality: Always smiling, always friendly to those that deserve friendship. Always helping to the best of her extent. Until she's forced to fight. Then the smile is one who is about to bid farewell to a person forever.
Appearance: Dressed in an outfit similar to those of the ninja clans, she idly walks about,seemingly unarmed. Blue eyed, they turn green when she is about to become the 'Killer' within her.
Weapon(s):Twin Shuriken are found in her sleeves, connected via string to a two reels on her wrists.
Other: Not in the Akute clan, she is still a freelance member of the world. Who knows, maybe the Akute will one day seek her out.

Last edited by (*Dranzer*) on Sun Jul 03, 2005 8:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 12:09 am 
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Location: High-security asylum cell.
[Yay, people still remember me~ *tears of happiness* :cry: ]

[Hm. From Dranzer's post, can I safely conclude that she reads a lot of Naruto? *poke* :P ]

[We'll probably still need 2 or 3 more people to join before we start ^.^]


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 12:43 am 
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Location: PPT, all the time... I live here you see
((Of course I remember you :D !!)) ((Grrr....Liv you took my best combos of fighting traits! :x :) I still wuv you!))
Name: Eirynn (Eh/ee (combo of sounds)- rin)
Age: 16
Fighting Traits: Intellect, Endurance
Personality: Even though seemingly sweet, polite and delicate she does kill. She is determined, and can last under the worst conditions. She is incredibly intelligent, and charmingly witty. The rest you will find out!
Appearance: Long, rich, black hair that falls to her waist- polished and straight. She has pale, fair skin, and rosy cheeks. Her eyes are a shocking green and she is very beautiful. She is often smiling, but in a twisted and cunning way.
Weapon(s): An elaborate sword, slim and beautiful, is sheathed at her side. She also has a pistol on the other hip. Twin knifes are hidden within her, also elaborate- but stouter and surer.
Other: To be revealed...

((I'm so excited!))

Original Joined Date: November 30th, 2002

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 12:57 am 

Posts: 1249
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Location: Glued to a computer chair. *Glares at cousin*
_jade_em_ wrote:
[Yay, people still remember me~ *tears of happiness* :cry: ]

[Hm. From Dranzer's post, can I safely conclude that she reads a lot of Naruto? *poke* :P ]

[We'll probably still need 2 or 3 more people to join before we start ^.^]

( Not read. Watch. I based my character off of Junai(The twin-bladed staff), Haku(The senbon), Yuna (The gun part), and Nami(Tri section staff). Which I suppose is a lot of models to work with.)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:20 am 
Beyond Godly
Beyond Godly

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Joined: Fri Jun 04, 2004 3:43 am
Location: Set by me.
||Jadey, If I ever forget you, please run over me with a truck in the shape of a milk cow.||

Name: Eithne (I've got a new permanent...)
Age: 12
Fighting Traits: Intellect, Precision
Personality: Cold, least on the outside. More willc ome out through RP.
Appearance: A small, willowy figure displays a supposed vulnerability that effectively hides her true strength. Hair is long, reaching to her lower back, and contrasts greatly with her severe grey eyes. Pale complexion.
Weapon(s): Glaive with a thin silver blade on one end, used with her great skill for precision to easily find a single deadly target, and a slim scythe at the oppsite end. A dagger worn in a hidden sheath at her side
Other: NA

Mas mothaionn tu fein mar rud eigin caite ar an dtra...
Lig dom goideail an croi duit...

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 5:30 am 
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Location: High-security asylum cell.
[Okies, let's start! ^.^ I think I'll keep this open 'til we reach the third page.]

The bodyguard swung a sword clumsily in her direction, cold sweat dripping down his face. How could a mere girl be so strong? How? Caress's sword flashed for a moment as it was caught in under the moonlight. The man cried out in pain as her blade ripped through his upper arm. He tightened his grip on his sword as he lashed out towards her. She saw his body move in a fraction of a second and blocked easily, but he put his weight on to it and threw her back. Caress, caught by surprise, stumbled backwards and skidded across the floor on her behind for a few metres. She leapt back to her feet almost instantly, cursing softly. The man, now desperate, lunged at her. He was running towards her .... huh?! Where'd she go?!

'I'm here.'

He barely had time to turn around before he was dead. He groaned softly as he dropped on to the floor. Caress yanked her sword out of him. It was dripping blood. She whirled around, her robes billowing out around her. The target! Where was the target?

There - he was running, getting away. 'Menai!' Caress called urgently, but the redhead didn't need telling. She raised her pistol and fired. Even from this distance, her aim was perfect. Caress saw the running figure fall. All right, mission accomplished. She turned to Menai, smiling. 'Good job.'

Menai only gave a cool glance as she tucked her pistol back into her clothes, as if to say, 'Of course.'

Caress resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Lance just had to partner Menai with her for this assignment, didn't he?

'Let's go.' Menai said, turning away. She turned her head back. 'Caress. What are you doing?'

'Hey, what's that?' Caress was staring at the pile of dead bodies, leftovers of tonight's massacre.

Menai raised her eyebrows, her reddish eyes glimmering in the darkness. 'What?'

Caress swallowed. She swore she had seen something move under that pile. There it was again! The dead bodies shifted slightly. Was someone still alive? She slid her sword under a dead man and tried to throw him off the pile, but he was too heavy.

'Caress.' Menai said, trying to keep her voice steady.

And then, suddenly, without warning, the bodies flew in all different directions as someone leapt out from within them, shrieking in a terrible, inhuman voice. Caress reeled back, her eyes widening. She had thought it was a man, but now she could see it was a creature - it somewhat resembled a frog, but it was enormous, with spikes all over its legs and neck. Its small red eyes gleamed as it continued to shriek loudly. Caress froze. Her mouth turned dry as she stared. What was it?

'Caress!' Menai's sharp voice cut through inside her head. 'Step back!'

Her mind reeled as she tried to move her body, but it seemed to be stuck. The frog-demon, or whatever it was, seemed to be eyeing her rather hungrily.

The three seemed to freeze there for a few seconds, none of them moving an inch. Even the breeze seemed to have stopped blowing, and the moon seemed to dim down. And then, the frog have a croak and leapt away, seven feet into the air, over above Caress's head. In a split second, it had disappeared.

Caress licked her dry lips. She stuck her sword into the ground to steady herself. She felt like she was going to collapse. 'I ... what was that?' she whispered. The moon and the wind were back. She felt exhausted, which was odd, because fighting all those weak men (even though they were hired as "top fighters") had cost her barely any strength at all.

She felt Menai's cold hand grasp her elbow. 'We're going back to headquarters,' she told her.

They only had to walk a short distance before they reached one of the eighty-six places spread all over Imachar as secret entraces into the Akute headquarters. The two slipped into the underground storage room of an empty restaurant and Menai lifted the hidden trapdoor, still gripping Caress, who looked as if she might faint any minute. The two stepped down and hurried across the underground maze, which was light by flaming torches in brackets. It was a maze of a network, but the two knew their way perfectly. Caress's head was pounding with a terrible headache as they finally reached an iron door. Menai opened it and they entered, Caress stumbling in weakly.

'We should report to Lance about what we saw,' Menai said calmly.

Caress nodded.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 5:57 am 
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Seiryu strode silently through the blackened maze of the Akute's Headquarters. The torchlight cast shadows across his face, drawing out the glittering ruby of his eyes. He stared absently down at the dagger clutched in one hand, at the dried blood that dared to stain the metalic silver of the small blade. Shaking his head in annoyance he slipped the dagger away, making a mental to wash it later.

Seiryu sighed and ran a hand through his hair, it's normal silvery white color concealed by the dark brown shades of his home-made hair dye. Pulling his hand away he let it dangle loose at his side, his muscles relaxing as the adrenalin rush caused by his latest assignment dissapated, leaving the assassin feeling strangly empty inside.

Not that it was a hard assignment. Merely the same old routine, observe target, eliminate target, and return. Seiryu had no trouble at all neutralizing his target, two knives to the chest and the job was done.

'Two...' He sneered softly, 'I should've been able to kill him with one...'

But the assassin knew that was not the case, Seiryu specialized in infiltration not marksmenship. His aim with his knives were better then most, yet so many others in the Akute clan surpassed him.

Noises in the passageway brought him out of his pensive state, his ruby colored eyes taking in the sight of the two shaken Akute through the iron door. Seiryu frowned, before his shoulders rose and fell in a slight shrug, if the matter was important he would be told. In the meantime he had a report to give.

With that thought a calm descended on him, his features settling into an impassive mask as he heads through the door.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 11:42 am 
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Location: High-security asylum cell.
[Okay, I started to describe the Akute headquarters, but then decided to make a map instead xP <-- Underground <-- First Floor
Hope you guys can read that o.O]

A tall, dark-haired man came sauntering down the stairs. 'Oh, it's you two. There's a party upstairs in the training room, they're all getting drunk ...' he frowned when he noticed the state of Caress. 'Hey, what happened?'

'Lance,' Caress began tiredly, leaning against the wall for support, and then related the incident with the frog-demon to him as briefly as she could. She finished, 'I don't know, it drained all the power from me for some reason ...'


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 1:57 pm 

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Location: Glued to a computer chair. *Glares at cousin*
In front of two huddled children, Sarena stood, from the looks of it unarmed to the sneering men in front of her. Quieting the frightened children, she whispered, "Cover your eyes, you won't like this." Instinctively, the girls obeyed.

"So, you invade our turf when we're trying to cough out gold from those two wenches,"one had said.
"Don't you know that there's a toll to pass?" said another.
"So get lost before we hurt you too little lady," piped the last.

Smiling, Sarena stood braced, green washing over her pale blue eyes.
"Now, should I kill you all, or let you live?" she asked in a calm voice, on a higher pitch than when she was addressing the girls.

The men laughed. Since when could a mere chit do anything? One man pulled out a pistol, repeating himself again. "Get lost".

Sarena's reply was flicking out her right wrist, sending out one of her stringed shuriken straight at the man's gun arm. Twirling it expertly, the shuriken warpped around both gun and arm, latching itself painfully near the man's elbow. The man howled, not because of the initial pain, but because right afterwards Sarena pulled back on the reel, like one my flick back a yoyo, turning the man's arm in to a ribbon of flesh and blood. Obviously he then dropped the gun, writhing in pain.

Then next two were smarter, if only by so little. They charged, katana's raised, shrieking a battle challenge. Those two didn't have much time before both stringed shuriken that belonged to Sarena flashed out to opposite sides, wrapping around their respective mens' necks, biting in to their flesh yet again. Yanking the string in a different fashion, she pulled her arms apart, causing both men to crash in to each other headfirst, knocking them out cold. Wiping off the blood from her right shuriken more than the left, she addressed the only conscious one of the three, the one clutching his arm. "Never try a stunt like this again, or I will finish you off." she said, blue washing back in to her eyes like a wave. Looking back at the girls, she hurried them along, taking measures that they didn't see the three men.

"Go home, and don't look back, kay?"

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 2:15 pm 
PPT Trainee
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Location: Dream Zanarkand
[I bet none of you remember me.

Name: Alice Lillia Espoir
Age: 17
Fighting Traits: Speed, Precision
Personality: Gentle, quiet and soft-spoken. However, she succeeds in pushing aside her emotions whenever she has a task to carry out. She believes in giving her target a swift, painless death whenever possible.
Appearance: Long, dark brown hair that is usually pinned up into a bun or a similiar fashion, because she believes in keeping her hair neat. She has deep violet eyes that are big, but aside from that, there is nothing too outstanding about her facial features. She is modestly pretty in her own way, but far from elegantly beautiful. Her clothes vary.
Weapon(s): Dual guns!!! ... 4_1024.jpg
Other: Her guns are specially designed to allow the rapid firing of several bullets in succession. She works on assignments and tasks with her boyfriend, Steven.

Name: Steven Vincent Memento
Age: 18
Fighting Traits: Speed, Endurance
Personality: Dark, moody and quite emotionless, unlike Alice. He doesn't care about people dying anymore because he sees people dying everyday.
Appearance: Black hair and dark brown eyes. Taller than Alice, about six feet. He has a holster on his right thigh to house his huge gun. His clothes vary, but most involves the colour black and red.
Weapon(s): A black, long, three-barrel gun. ... hots/3.jpg ... hots/6.jpg
Other: Alice's boyfriend. ]

[I apologize for the crappy bio.]

- Sweet set made by GlimmerFae-
"I wanted to change the world, but I changed nothing. That is my story." - Auron, FF X.

Avatar removed, hotlinking problem.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:33 pm 
Beyond Godly
Beyond Godly
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Location: Right here, I think.
[How much did you, bet, GM? Because you owe me it. *hug*

kuroro (this is an edit, I can't tell the future), it certainly is return of the ancients. o.O]

Ally sat hunched in a corner of the trainer room, his hand on his sword. Many were stumbling around it, obviously drunk. Ally had not touched a drop of alcohol, in case he was needed for something. One man staggered up to him. "'Ey," he said, "who're you?"

Ally rolled his eyes at the man. He stood up, pushed the man aside with three fingers, and left the room. He came down the steps slowly, almost lazily. He spotted Menai, Caress and Lance all on the ground floor. He got to the bottom step and realised that Caress was in an awful state. He looked concerned.

"Caress... what happened?" he asked her quietly.


Elouai watched the men carefully. They seemed to have more brawn than brains. They were holding a girl hostage, staring at Elouai, as if daring her to make a move. Elouai's suspicions were confirmed when one of the men shouted, "Make any moves, and we'll kill her!" The man gestured at his hostage, who was clearly terrified.

Elouai was much like her brother. Both Ally and Elouai were sensible. They did not get drunk, did not lose their cool, and found the 'top' men chosen to fight them very dull.

Elouai raised an eyebrow at the man. She reached for her gun, and pulled it out quickly. This, however, she would not have done as quick as her brother, who was master of such things. She was still very fast, and the man holding the girl was dead within eight seconds of his threat.

The little girl screamed. Elouai shouted at her to run. The girl seemed only too happy to oblige and she rounded the corner just as Elouai killed the last man.

Elouai yawned and put her gun back in its holster. She checked the time. It was eight o' clock pm [if you want me to change this, happy to do so]. She was meant to meet Ally at nine. She had time for coffee.

|| Set // WIS < 33 ||

Last edited by Anubis on Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:35 pm 
PPT Student
PPT Student
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((Um, of course I remember you both! (What is this, return of the ancients? ;p))

((I wasn't too sure if I would enter this, simply because of the number of people already involved. I have written up a character, after which I will see, if it won't get too much if he also enters. ))

Character Bio
Name: Merle
Age: 21
Fighting Traits:Precision, Ability to read moves
Personality: Can be over-cheerfull and optimistic. Usually, after a rough killing night, Merle tries to hides his conscious beating him up, by going out, chatting happily, or (previously mentioned) over-cheerfull-ness. Close friends recognize this behaviour, and now that he is in fact in pain.
Appearance: Long black hair, tied together, accompagnied by deep brown eyes. He is quite slender and not very muscled, expect maybe in his arms. But this does not show through clothing. Usually casually clothed, on mission, he wears brown, black colors.
Weapon(s): Long silver rifle
Other: Is in fact looking over a few family members in the Akute. Though they don't know themselves he is.

Set by WIS!

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