I "broke" my left arm twice, 'cept the first time was false. I was like, four maybe... I don't remember it well, but I was using our couch cushins to form a small bridge to our wooden coffee table, less than a foot away. Stupidly, I tried crawling accross it and I guess I snapped my arm some how. I don't even remember it hurting...

Turned out, it didn't actually brake, but may have been an error due to the X-ray machine. Still had to wear the flippin' cast though.
The second time was back in fourth grade when I was serving as an instructor to my old Taekwondo school (hell was that place). Anyway, I came in on Wednesday and the kids were practicing freefalling. Even though I was a Recommened Black Belt (almost black belt) I had never learned how to free fall. Well, the senior instructor was pushing each kid lightly as they squatted on a matt, and they bounced right back up as your supposed to. I had dozed out, that place doesn't have air conditioning and you have to wear the thick robe even in the summer monthes, and the instructor pushed me. No warning, nothing. I snapped my olna and radius and am just thankful to this day that my mom had decided to watch me teach for the first time.

The people there had no idea what to do, and she was a former sports medicine person, thing. Needless to say, I hate that place with a passion comparable to the gravitational pull of a billion black holes.

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v395/chloeismyname/NulashaeSiggy.bmp">
Set made by wormm^