Bangel wrote:
Amethyst wrote:
Um, in the PPTers say the darndest things section, this quote was printed:
I almost concussed myself once when I was 6 because I ran into a wardrobe. I was trying to get into Narnia...
It's credited to AFI_Sorrow, but I was actually the one who said it

*was the one who submitted it*
You guys are far too alike for your own good.
...And that is my excuse.
Heh, I noticed that too. (I'm just reading the Pink Ink now, I was on vacation when it came out.

Ah, Ammy and I alike? Muwhahahaha!

If you swap Kakashi with Yoh and Shaman King with Naruto and Gackt with Paku Romi than yes...yes we are. ^___^
Another wonderful issue guys! Much love goes out to the Pink Ink!
EDIT: Ah, but I am in PPT'ers say the darnest things with my monopoly doggy piece. Huzzah.