shapu wrote:
-You're not a true Englishman if you've ever seen the sun.
-By the same token, you're not a true Englishman if you don't have to carry an umbrella (umbreller) everywhere you go, because God knows it could dump monsoon quantities of rain on you at any given moment.
Excuse me, we do go on holiday

My dad takes an umbrella almost everywhere, and when he doesn't, it rains.
But then, he's from Yorkshire...ever seen Monty Python's Meaning of Life?
Twisted Sanity wrote:
And that you're all exceedingly tall with big noses and you all the men wear monocles (sp?). Don't ask.
I have a big nose, but that's from Hungarian genes, and I'm exceedingly SHORT.
Jen wrote:
You have massive hunts. With 50 hounds, horns, hill topping and all. 4'5 cedar rail fences. Hunting 7 at a time. Huge organizations.
They're banned now.
Xil wrote:
Cricket, Bowler hats, Morris Dancing, and warm beer are all on the days list.

Fiddelysquat wrote:
heavens!" is considered an appropriate exclamation upon the discovery of something slightly unpleasant, such as having your house burnt down or discovering a mangled corpse on your living room carpet.
Only in polite society, which there's less of than you might think. I assure you what I'd be exclaiming isn't forum-suitable.You are all rather repressed and quite vocal about it.
YepAll "soccer" games are started off with a rousing chorus of "God Save the Queen".
FOOTBALL. Thank you. And it's just internationals
And we're always out of time.All of your news stations are of bad-80's-educational-video quality.
I wish they were
You're quite fond of knickers.
I wear them every dayshapu wrote:
And everybody who has a nickname has one that ends in "S." Becks, Wills, and so on and so forth.
Of course. My nickname is Igg

You'll find that, up North at least, most people's nicknames are either their surname with a 'y' on the end, or er...just their surname.
Trick wrote:
Igg wrote:
I'm a Northerner, Trick. I live about an hour South of the border.
Ah then you wouldn't count to most people I know as being stereotypically English. Even the most patriotic Scotsman likes spending his holidays in the likes of Cumbria, Northumberland and N. Yorkshire

Pretty places and great people...just like here

Heh. I'm in Cumbria.