JellyFish72 wrote:
I would have told you on AIM/MSN whatever, but my internet connection is evil. I'm lucky to be able to post this. *glares*
*hands you chocolate cake, a candle, a potato, and a water bottle*

Khristian wrote:
Happy Birthday.
Although I already showered you with the best gift ever on MSN.

Anubis wrote:
Happy birthday, CD. I'd say sweet sixteen, but you're a boy, so meh. -gives cookies-
.:Chronically Depressed:. wrote:
Trinity wrote:
Happy birthday to the second best British person I know!

*pout* Who's the first?XDDDDDDDD
*glares... lots*
Twisted Sanity wrote:
Ahh fine. Looks like I have to say Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday.
Now gimme some cake.
OMG YOU MADE MY SET!!!!! *is done*
Kugetsu wrote:
Disclaimer - You may be asking, "why in the heck didn't he at least say 'Happy Birthday'?". This is because we take no responsibility if CD grows an extra year due to the fact that he's already been told "happy birthday" by this very person. The last thing we need is him growing two years because I said it twice.
*Main screen turn off*

... 'nuff said
sir_michael wrote:
Happy B-Day CD! We should go bowling to celebrate!

I completly forgot about that!
*sets up Bowling ally* We'll play it riiiiiiiiiiiiiight here!
Trinity wrote:
.:Chronically Depressed:. wrote:
Trinity wrote:
Happy birthday to the second best British person I know!

*pout* Who's the first?Mr. Flibble. But he's a penguin puppet. So... Liv, 'cuz of her awesomesauce RPs. :3
Anubis wrote:
Trinity wrote:
.:Chronically Depressed:. wrote:
Trinity wrote:
Happy birthday to the second best British person I know!

*pout* Who's the first?Mr. Flibble. But he's a penguin puppet. So... Liv, 'cuz of her awesomesauce RPs. :3

You're awesome too! -huggles-

*twitch twitch*
*mauls you*
Twinkle wrote:
Well seeing as everyone loves to steal my glitter even though you've given up nicking it, you're just gonna get a Happy Birthday from me!
Happy Birthday CD! Have a great day! *spreads birthday glit...*

Nooooooooooooooooooooo... I need Twinkle's hand spreaded birthday glitter!
DM was on fire! wrote:
*steals glitter from Twinkle and throws it in CD's face*
Happy birthday dear. *kiss* I'll get the video of Erif dancing in the pretty pink dress from the January 1979 video reeeeaal soon.
¬_¬ I'm blind... and you're going to torture me with that song...
Syrill wrote:
Happy oldness appreciation day =D You should always know when you're getting ever close to the great instead of should have a poster...
*pins poster with the another year older...another year closer to death message on my post*
... Did I ever tell you you're a really nice guy sometimes Syrill.


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