Many topics in one so....
Yeah. I'm back.

I'm pretty sure *MOST* of you remember me (most of the oldies at least

). I've been busy with things, and I just remembered about PPT so yeah.
ANyways......... so..... hmm......
Well, I'm off to Ozzfest in a week.

Off to pre-band camp that same week of Ozzfest, and the week after is band camp. (Haha, American Pie) So as you can see my summer is basically gone in a week or so. :S
I got this sweet MP3 player, holds 20 gigs, and I already have 1/8 of it full.

Goldfinger, Jimi Hendrix (which I'm listening to now), MCR, Suicide Machines (Ska, not the death metal you'd intrepret from the name), etc.
I'm now a sophomore in High School. What fun. *rolls eyes* And I learned how to make grilled cheese yesterday.
Hmm..... I'm having a brain fart and can't think of anything else.

So, don't expect my crazy posting spurts like in the old days.

It's great to be back.

Hahaha, I'm back!
I'd like to thank me for this nice set.