dood wrote:

I have to admit, I was kindof making my descision based on assumptions. The guy who was shot five times in the a very controversial issue, highly worthy of debate. Here's the basic story:
A person walks out of a building which was under suspicion by the police.
He's wearing innappropriate clothes for the time of year.
He's asian.
He tries to get on a train and the police yell at him to stop.
He jumps over the barrier and lunges into the train anyway.
He's tripped and falls over onto the ground.
A policeman leans over him and shoots him five times in the face from 20-30 cms away.
It seems to me like this person was a drug dealer and that the police system have become way too paranoid.
Firstly he wasn't asian, he was a very light skinned Brazillian. He was completely innocent, has no criminal history and as the police have desribed it as a tragedy and given no crimes he is suspected of it's pretty clear he was a completely innocent person.
Also from his stand point police were not yelling at him to stop - they were plain clothes, and I haven't even heard an official person confirm that they shouted "stop, police" and the eyewitnesses have said that the police didn't shout who they were but just told people to get down.
So an innocent person, not asian so as to be confused with one of the attacks suspected suicide bombers (as if that is enough proof anyway, hah :/ ) rushed at by armed strangers who shoot him. An innocent man - I dread to think what the backlash is going to be from all this and I feel so bad for friends and family of that man, he could have been any one of us from the sounds of it as there is no evidence he was a shady character at all :/ So paranoid yes, but drug dealer no.