pokemew233 wrote:
I remember the words to songs from lots of musicals, lots of scripts, and TV shows, but I can't remember something I was told to do 5 times already.
Same here! I'll be singing a song or something and my mom will often say, "Lauren! If you put as much effort and time into learning your school work and LISTENING TO ME as you do memorizing some silly song, you would get straight A's!"
Another strange thing I do is I'll play out situations in the mirror.

I'll just be standing there talking to myself, then I think about what the other people would say, then continue talking. That and sometimes I end up changing my clothes to fit the situation I'm pretending to have and if I'm recieving a phone call, for example, rather than holding up my hand like a phone, I go and get the actual phone.v
Now that everyone knows what I do with my freetime I think I'll go hide.