I've heard very good things about it. I want to do it myself. I don't think it's been around long enough to determine if there will be horrible side effects after 10+ years of having the surgery. People always ask "what if in like 15 years your eyes fall out because of it?" I guess one should be prepared for that incase that is a side effect

To me it seems like it's been long enough for surgeons to get this technique down and to be able to perfom it safely, it's even gone down in price a lot because it's becoming easier to perform. I would look into who is reputable and such before going into it.
From what I've heard of those who have had it done is that it's a short procedure, you get it done and it doesn't hurt until it's over. My co-worker who did it just had teary uncomforatble eyes the day of the surgery. After her surgery she wondered why she did it, it wasn't pleasing to have her eyes tearing and such but then to her it's been very worth it. I have another coworker that did it and she loved it, she hasn't had any side effects and thought it was definetly worth it. I used to babysit these two girls and their dad did it, he had really bad vision and he liked the results.
Only bad thing I've heard so far is of one person who had it done and had clouds (like little blurry patches) form which affected their night vision. As with every surgery there are always side effects, I know this very well specially with what's happend to my mom recently, you just have to know there are possible risks and be prepared.
The surgery is not guaranteed for life, your eyesight can deteriorate as time goes by. I know my co-worker eventually would have to have it done again because she gets some type of buildup that will decrease her sight again eventually.