Well, at least I have more time to post, now that I have to stay home))
Serenity ran into her room, breathless. Usnami was sitting comfortably in a chair, sewing. When Serenity ran into the room she put down her work and looked politely surprised at her mistress who was standing breathless and worn at the door in a wrecked wedding dress.
“What happened? There is so much noise outside,” she inquired.
Serenity gave her a frightened look, “I couldn’t do it!”
“No!” Usnami gasped, “Do you have any idea what will happen to you now?”
“I don’t know. But I’m not going to stay to find out. I have to leave now!”
“But those letters that you received…what will you do with them?”
“Oh no! I better send letters to everyone as well!”
“I shall write for you, but you must hurry!”
She and Usnami managed to compose a letter, which later Usnami would send to the other kingdoms.
There is an Outah council that is held annually in two weeks. I hope that all kingdoms shall attend, as I will be a representative for Diamond, the first one in many centuries I realise. There I wish to discuss the pressing matter that I mentioned in my last letter.
I hope that you will grace the council with your presence.
From Crown Princess Serenity Tehsume
To Sapphire she wrote:
Queen Emra Raeli
I cannot speak with you right away but I will be able to talk with you if you attend the annual Outah council. There I wish to discuss the matter of Induisha with the other kingdoms. I have heard that the council is in two weeks and I shall be going for the fist time. I hope to see you there.
From Crown Princess Serenity Tehsume
And to Aquamarine:
Chancellor Thisa Polaris of Aquamarine,
I have had to flee Diamond for unimportant circumstances, so I cannot send a representative but I will enclose I few objects of proof of who I am.
I wish for you to attend the annual Outah council so I can talk about these pressing matters with the other kingdoms as well, so we can unite and become strong. I hope that you will come.
From Crown Princess Serenity Tehsume
In the letter she enclosed her wedding bracelet (diamonds on a delicate white-gold chain with Serenity’s name carved into a strip of white-gold metal with small diamonds around it) and also three white feathers that she had painfully plucked from her own wings.
“There! All done,” Serenity said getting up from her chair.
“I’ll make sure these letters are posted,” Usnami said, folding them neatly.
“I have to get going,” Serenity said, wistfully glancing out of her window.
Usnami laid a hand on her arm to stop her, “Before you go, I and the other mages who are loyal to you have made some gifts to help you with your journey,”
“Really?” Serenity’s eyes glittered hopefully.
Usnami snapped her fingers three beautiful women and an old man slowly stepped into the room.
“Your majesty,” they addressed her, bowing.
Serenity nodded and they straightened. The first woman approached her. She had long silver hair and glossy pale eyes. The lady pressed her hands to Serenity’s head, “May you always be pure of heart and never forget your quest, to save your people and your friends,”
Serenity’s head was bathed in warmth. She gasped as wooziness spread over her.
The next woman approached. This woman had flowing gold hair and long delicate fingers. Serenity though she looked like an angel. This woman pressed her hands to Serenity’s head and muttered, “May your friends always be near and willing to guide you, to safety and to your goal,”
The third woman walked up to her. She had a friendly round face and messy orange hair. She smiled as she held her hands up to Serenity’s head, “ May luck always hold you in its favour,”
The man stepped up to her. He looked old and frail, but he had a strong and undefeated look in his honest amber eyes. He handed her a strange looking sphere, “ This will be useful. If you are ever lost, ask it where to go and it shall show you the direction you need to travel,”
Usnami smiled at Serenity and pulled a small package from inside her robe, “This is for you. A sort of… going away present! Go on, open it, you don’t have much time,”
Serenity slowly and carefully unravelled the ribbon, then opened the cloth on the package. Inside was a long, delicate white gold chain attached to a large chunk of diamond.
“This,” Usnami informed her proudly “Is a shard from the real Diamond that protects this city,”
Serenity looked at Usnami in disbelief, “How can you get a shard from the Diamond? It is too hard!”
“I don’t know. I think it was your mother’s. Her maidservant gave it to me. I think the maid kept it from your mother and she gave it to me when I came to look after you,”
“Where is this maid now?”
“She died. She was very old and very ill,”
Serenity examined the delicate necklace. It had two white gold wings and a silver crown attached to the stone. On the back of the wings were carved two words, “fly free,”
Serenity stared long and hard at the words, before putting the chian around her neck.
Usnami smiled, “You better get dressed then,”
Serenity nodded and a few minutes later, she was back in her usual pink and purple costume. Usnami wordlessly handed her a long lavender cloak.
Serenity held it for a while, examining it before putting it on. It was light, and the fabric was warm.
“I knew you’d want to leave soon. So I organised all of this, so you could leave quickly, and save Diamond. I made that cloak to go with you dress. And lastly,” she produced two bottles, a black one and a pink one, “It will not be easy to walk among the people of Outah with wings. Drink the black bottle and it will take away your wings. Drink the pink bottle and it will bring them back,” she handed both bottles to Serenity, “By all means do not lose the pink bottle,” she said darkly. Serenity blushed. She was prone to losing many things.
Serenity quickly gulped down the contents of the black bottle. It tasted like soot and charcoal. She chocked and gasped as she felt a searing pain at her back. She turned to the nearest mirror and sighed… her wings were gone.
There were footsteps outside the door… and voices.
Another mage appeared in the room. She was young, about thirteen years old. This girl had short dark purple hair and black eyes, “I have been keeping the soldiers busy, but I cannot anymore. They are headed this way. You must leave, NOW!”
“Go Serenity. If they catch you now you will never escape!” urged Usnami.
Serenit nodded and ran to the otherside of the room, where her wand and sword lay. She carefully hid the wand in her cloak and fastened the sword to her belt.
“Thank you,” she whispered to everyone in the room as she climbed out of the window, just moments before her bedroom door was broken down by royal soldiers.
<img src="http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b393/Tithenmamiwen/rae-sig.gif" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">
This amazing set by ria!