Well, yeah....I'm just really happy right now, so here's a random topic about it.
...KAT IS BACK! Katina (Tryske Rainbreeze on PPT) is my best friend in all the world. A bigger deal even than it might be for most people since I'm rather....socially challenged. Anyway, Kat and I are like tighter than tight. We;re one person. I lurve her *huggles Kat*. But She be's Greek, and spent pretty much the entire summer in Greece. So basically I had to live not only all summer but through the tragedy of our school buring down...without my best friend.
Anyway, yesteday I was at orientation for our new school, and I was talking to my drama teacher when I saw Kat's mom. I looked away for a second and she was gone. I tore all over the school trying to find her, but finally gave up. I was sitting in the cafeteria going over my map, and I look up....and there's kat!
Happiest moment of my life. So anyway, yeah. Now she's back, and coming to the new school, and I'm talking to her, and....I just feel great.