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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 5:24 am 
PPT Baby
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((so sorry... charles dickens has (yet again) eaten up my life and i am now a slave to analyzing great expectations. I should be back this weekend))


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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 8:38 am 
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[Bleh, sorry for not posting yesterday, didn't get to go on the computer at all ... *creaking under homework pressure*]

Caress's eyes widened just a little in surprise when the man said something about a prophecy. Her curiosity was immediately sparked, but she surpressed it for the moment when Clien told her to protect Tobias when he and Shade were gone. She nodded.

She turned back to her brother, who was attending to his other wounds.

"I think you better rest in bed for awhile," she said quietly. Tobias nodded and smiled, and she helped him into a standing position, and then up the stairs to Tobias's room. His physical strength was terribly weak and he leaned on Caress so she was supporting most of his weight.

[Oh, and as for a title in this prophecy ... *ponders* I'm not sure. You can decide, prolly make it related to something celestial? xP]


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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 5:22 pm 
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Location: In a hamster cage and covered in Twinkle's glitter.
((Guess I'm waiting for Dragonbane, who gave up on me. Blech, some store stocked expired milk and I bought it... again. After being refunded for that once already. *sobs* I want milk!))

Hamriffic set by stampsyne

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 8:33 pm 

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{ LHW, someorangegirlingreen's character is there too =P

Sorry, too busy to RP today. Homework, plus application forms and all of that stuff, project due tomorrow (soo fast). Plus I forgot to practise piano yesterday =(. Sorry for not posting for 2 days, Lilac

Oh, and jade_em, when I saw celestial I immediately thought of Star girl XD. I can't really think of anything else that sounds good, but I don't know where the stars come in =P. About "Celestial", did you mean like, planets and all that? }

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 10:20 pm 
PPT Toddler
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((Sorry LHW. I believe Twiz is bringing my character to the inn where our characters can speak at length... however I'm not at all certain if the inn you're at and the inn Twiz and I are going to is the same place.))

Darin laid a hand on his dog's back, holding lightly to the fur.

"Yelgan has better eyes," he said as the dog stepped forwards to take the lead, "He will guide us across the path to the other side."

The dog nodded and moved onward, snuffling as he went, his clear blue eyes staring into the deepening darkness.

"You will have to follow closely," the boy said to Terran, "He can see, but he does not know where he's going."

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 3:35 am 
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((It's the same Inn. Even if LHW hadn't asked me a question concerning it, there have been a few vague hints that it has been the same one. =P)

Terran nodded, not making a noise. He followed the dog closely, every once in a while softly saying, "Right," or "Left." He didn't say it often though, and he stayed as far away from the gully as possible.

His stance was stiff, and every once in awhile he would turn is head to carefully study the gully. Nothing happened to him, however, and he crossed without harm. Once he had crossed, his stance relaxed a small bit, but he still did not speak.

In the distance, Terran spotted a twinkling of lights. He quickly repositioned the sheafs of paper that he carried, and headed towards them.

((That's the Inn, just so you know.))

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 5:27 am 
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(weee time for another run!)
It didnt take long before he started to jog then run then dash through the forest. With his rabbit speed and agility it wasnt that hard to navigate to keep from hitting the trees. He blinked as soon he ran out of the woods and onto a path. From there he followed it and soon found himself running past a small group what seemed like a boy a dog of sorts and another. He didnt stop though he did slow down as he saw the glimmer of lights in the distance coming up rather quickly. He soon skidded to a stop in front of the inn door having almost crashed into it. "Ive really gotta practice stopping"


Please somone sign up with this an help me out to get KH2

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 5:41 am 
PPT Toddler
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((I live! okay, so I'm moved into my dorm and my internet connection seems temperamental, but OK, so I should have a post tomorrow night (I've been in the middle of orientation, where our lives are scheduled down to when we can go to the bathroom. yay!). So I'm exhausted and can't think, but everything looks good. I'll expand on 2nd chars when I can think straighter (should be fine, but yeah, just wait a day or so). don't worry about missed posting days! so life is crazy right now, but hopefully I'll be back full strength tomorrow or sat. morning! -Lilac))


[smile though your heart is aching::smile even though its breaking]

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 9:25 am 
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[Oh no, when I said "celestial" I meant something along the lines of divine/heavenly stuff, though Star girl's good too ... xP Child of the Stars, perhaps? Or (the) Starsoul?]

Tobias was half-lying, half-sitting on his bed, head and shoulders supported by many soft pillows and cushions. His clothes were still bloodstained, but he would not have enough energy left to wash or even change at the moment, and Caress did not pressure him to do either.

She lit flames on a couple of lamps to illuminate the room in a warm orange glow, and then sat on the edge of Tobias's bed, gazing out of the window towards the moon hanging in the sky. For a while, both children were silent. Then Caress felt a very gentle touch on her arm, and she turned questioningly.

"Caress." Tobias said quietly. "That man ... that man had been trying to kill me. Why? What for? Who was he? Could he have been ... our ... our father?"

Caress's stomach churned a little. Father. That man had looked so much like Tobias. It was very possible. The two had known nothing about their father, as their mother had spoken little of him, and the twins did not think of him much. But if the man had indeed been their father ... why, why would he want to murder his own son? She suddenly felt a terrible weight in her chest, but she did not cry again.

"Hush, Tobias," she answered. "Don't talk. You need to rest."

Tobias did not protest, and fell silent. Caress turned back to looking outside the window.

So many things had happened. So many unexplained. Her head spun. The man, why had he attacked Tobias? There was still a possibility that he wasn't their father, was he? What about the prophecy that Shade's friend had mentioned? It had included her? Since when was she important enough to be prophetised on?

She gave a quiet sigh and tried to shut the crowding thoughts out of her mind like she could with animals' voices, as it was beginning to give her a headache.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 10:42 pm 

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{ Child of the Stars it is! Starsoul sounds weird! And Lilac, Saint Helena is ok, right?? (I must have asked this about 3 times already =P). Jade, I'm really making a lot of stuff out about your house here, so if it doesn't go along with whatever you're planning, tell me! }

Clien entered Caress's kitchen, stretching his long arms and pulling out a glass jug from one of the wooden shelves. He handed it over to Shade, and then strode over to the front door. "Come," he said. Shade felt the jug carefully. On the glass surface, a leaf symbol was embossed.

They ventured over to the river, which was nearby. Crouching down, Shade watched as Clien took the jug with his stronger arms and filled it up with crystal clear water. Shade smiled, although his heart was still partially pounding. Although the amount of garbage and pollution was gradually increasing, the water was still very clean. Shade was imagining what the environmental condition would be like many years later when Clien suddenly spoke.

"AH! I remember now!! She was called the Child of the Stars!"

"Child of the Stars?"


"Where do the stars come in?"

"That, I have no idea. Come. We must give the water to the girl. What was her name?"


Together they headed back towards Caress's house.


"Caress?" Shade called through the house. He set the jug on the table, as Clien infused some candles with light to make them grow. "She's probably upstairs," he said to Clien.

"Hmm," Clien said, thoughtfully. "Did you just know this girl? You seemed to have known her before our encounter."

"I met her this evening... as I was... exploring." He didn't want to tell Clien that he was using his extra time for pointless activities.


"Caress was born with the power to communicate with animals through telepathy." He smiled. "I think it's really amazing. Anyways, that's how she sent the crow to me."

Clien nodded again. "Fascinating, how she was born with it. Especially to us, students of light magic, who have to learn how to harness it, and then use it."

Shade agreed. "Were you a student of your grandfather?"

He again nodded silently. Shade felt horrible for asking that question, he should not have brought it up when Renault had just died. "I'm sorry..." he whispered.

Clien smiled, his eyes twinkling again. They were always twinkling. "It's quite all right."

{ OOC: The leaf-symbol thing could be something, or it can be nothing. It's just I wanted to add more detail so it wouldn't be that short. Flashes of inspiration, I should say. It's all up to jade =) }

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 12:10 am 
PPT Baby
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(erm, I'm stuck at the library and internetless for now. AHHHHH! And I'm hiding ight now, I suppose you could have never noticed me. But notice me eventually. She's not hiding that well- that's the whole point.)

What kind of silly person needs a signature?


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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 7:53 am 
Beyond Godly
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[I'm really sorry I haven't been posting, Lilac. I have been deadly tired, and then the person I was interacting with said I was asleep and ran off. I don't really have anything to post until someone comes and prods my character awake.


|| Set // WIS < 33 ||

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 9:29 am 
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[Naw, everything's okay xP I didn't really have much in mind about the cottage, really.]


Caress continued staring up at the moon. It was a few moments before she realised that somebody downstairs - presumably Shade - was calling her. She blinked and slid gently off the edge of the bed, then walked around out of the door and quietly descended the stairs. She gave Shade and Clien a small smile and then lifted the jug of water from the table with a quiet, "Thank you."

She turned and was about to go back upstairs when she paused and looked at Clien. "Sorry, I don't believe I know your name ...?"


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PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 4:39 am 
PPT Baby
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"Ah, well then, Princess Janine," Maddox said, making a large, sweeping bow that could almost be construed to be sarcastic, but not quite. "I shall have to make a poem about thou and thine royal regime. How shall I start?"

She paused for a moment, looking pensively at the sky, then before querying, "More importantly, what rhymes with Janine? Thyriene? Aquamarine? Ah! Bean! Green! Clean! Spleen!" She claps her hands giddily in an almost child-like manner. "Milady, thou art the most rhymable noble I have met in a long, long time!"

In her glee, she did not see the pothole in the path ahead and ran into it headlong, sloshing water left and right and nearly flying out of the glass case. "Oh my." Seemingly unperturbed by the loss of water she continued on, "So seeing how thou art from that large hut-type thing up yonder, perchance thou might tell me where the best place to draw a crowd might be? One that would not cause a riot, I mean," she added hurriedly before saying sagely, "Riots are no fun at all/for the crowds, they tend to maul."


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 12:26 am 
PPT Baby
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(Well, I have about... 10 minutes at the library. Don't expect that much of a thought out post. But I'm trying to come to the library more often now. I'll manage :P And there might be an excess of spelling mistakes- the library's keyboards aren't exactly the best)

Fawilyn felt some things fly past her in her direction- a lonely corner with only her. She wouldn't stand that and her urge to say something was beyond her control. It wasn't as easy for her to shut her mouth as most people. "Watch where you're throwing those things! Yer lucky I don't spring anything on you." Oh boy, oh boy, worse than that, she was making threats she couldn't hold up to. A wide range of magical abilities never meant they were a good range of magical abilities. Perhaps it was the drink that had done something to her. No, one drink wouldn't get her started on threats just yet. Sometimes though, she just couldn't resist.

What kind of silly person needs a signature?


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