Ok, ok, I'll stop leaving you guys in suspense. A couple of you many have already read this in Misc. Polls..
I dunno what the system is like overseas, but over here around about this time, in Year 12, you apply to all the different universities. When you finish your exams, you get your final mark in December, and the first round offers for university places come out mid-way through January. (I think, Yukio correct me if I'm wrong.)
Anyway, I'm in Year 11, so I have another year at least before all of that. But I'm really interested in going into the Hospitality industry, and there's a well-known Hospitality Management school up in the Blue Mountains, in another state (
http://www.hotelschool.com.au). It's possible to apply early for that, which is what I did a couple of weeks ago. The great thing is that it doesn't actually require any specific mark, unlike 97% of the courses around here. Last night I had my interview (over the phone), and they offered me a place for 2007
The thing that shocked me the most (well, still does), is that I have so many friends in Year 12 who don't know what they're doing with their lives... and I already know I'm going to be guaranteed a place when I finish school - I don't have to do anything else to keep it. Basically, I managed to get into the uni that I want to almost a year and a half early o.o
Anyway, hope that explains it... and now Yukio's demanding a free apartment when I own my own hotel chain. Demanding, isn't he?
Caesara wrote:
-hands Alex sparkley objects-
Oooh, sparkley

o_0 wrote:
Hm... Alex got results back... :-/

Hush, Mark. I'm waiting until I discuss that with him before I reveal it to the world ;P
Sock wrote:
I'm going to throw her a party

I've already told you this, I think, Alex, but CONGRATULATIONSTIMESAMILLION. -loves-
Yay party

Thanks.. I think you were one of the first to be told *loves back*
Amethyst wrote:
Any explanation for this is heartily welcomed.

halfbakedbliss wrote:
*joins the ranks of the clueless*
Blame Yukio.
Skullsplitter wrote:
She probably just went to the shops and bought some shoes. Congratulations on the great result!
Well, that too. They're nice shoes. I'm about 3" taller in them. Would you like to see them?