labbiedor wrote:
This is my second time wearing braces, but I've never heard of "fred" and "dave". I did have to wear rubber bands before, though, and they were a pain. I had those small ones you were talking about and I had to take them out during lunch at school and put new ones back in afterwards, and all these s came in to watch me put them back on in the bathroom and kept trying to distract me so I'd snap myself with them. XD
So you didn't have these before, right? Usually once you get your rubber bands, it's not too long before you get your braces off! It might be different for you, but I only had to wear the rubber bands for a few months before I got my braces off. But here I am 2 years later with braces...again....D:
(By the way, if you pick at the rubber bands like a guitar string they make a strange noise if you want to annoy your teachers.

Just make sure you don't pull them out or you'll snap yourself in the face.)
hehehehehehehe.. yea i had them before, but i only had the Fred ones.... and they went from back to front, not the triangle formation thing....
atomicblonde wrote:
My ortho gave me the bands, but I never actually wore them. The night before I went, I'd just pile on as many as I could put at one time and he never said a word to me, and my smile is perfect right now.
Disclaimer: Not that I'm suggesting you do this. It's painful. And besides, I have weird teeth. I mean, I not once wore my retainer when I got my braces off and my teeth didn't even move the tinest fraction of an inch.
lol my friends sister did this... except she would put on like 3 and then not wear them for the next couple of days.. my brother did that too...