Now before the quotes doubling against themselves make a vortex, let me just say that I feel a lot better now. I just think of it this way:
When I turn 30, I'll probably forget about this unless I took that paragraph I wrote, framed it, and hung it on my wall in front of the computer for the rest of my life. However, if my mom were to pull me out of school because of this, when I'm 30, the blinding vision of my teen years will reflect upon me, and I'll probably remember my decapitiated education. School is a place to learn and socialize with other peers, and some one's gonna get in trouble if you coop them up together for 6 hours a day.
When I saw that I was in Mr. ___'s class with NONE of my friends, I complained over MSN for the entire weekend. At least we don't spend much homeroom time with him; even though he teaches about 4 or 5 of our subjects, our schedule is biased enough so that it seems like we're actually passing classes.

Don't bother answering Problem 2 or 4 any more, I've gotten over it basically. Problem 1 will only arise once more once Parent/Teacher interviews begin in December/January/after our first report card, and Problem 3 is the top priority, so:
I WANT HELP FOR PROBLEM 3If you have any additional comments to add for problems 1, 2, or 4 then you can.