ahoteinrun wrote:
No Swearing. No Innapropriate Topics.
Self explanatory really. Examples of innapropriate topics are any that contain abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening or sexually-oriented content. Political discussion of any kind is not allowed, except within the confines of The Debate Group. We obviously cant list every Innapropriate topic of discussion, so members are expected to use common sense. Remember, this is a family site.
No disucssion of religion on the forum please unless it's in debate. It's a hugely sensative topic. If you want to argue about it, this is not the thread to do it on. Feel free to discuss the photo as a photo; but not to debate it.
agreed, but could someone please fix the misspelling of "inappropriate" in the board rules? it's wrong like three times in that quote.
hiddenneggs wrote:
Humans are pattern-seeking creatures; we can, and will, find patterns in what is completely random.
oh, definitely. like all the crosses people were seeing when the WTC fell. in order to make a structure, you HAVE to cross steel bars!

or if you happen to be focused on a certain number, like if you're afraid of the number 13, you'll see it just about everywhere.
smoke and fire can take on all kinds of awesome shapes, so people see things in them all the time. if this picture isn't photoshopped, it's pretty rad that this particular shape got caught on film.