Zenial wrote:
Hehe I don't see the different things in the photo's. But I do think pictures of tornado's look amazing. Even though they're big
and dangerous, I would love to see one for real. I mean, just look at this:

Zenial, that is an amazing photograph. I have been in two tornados and am in such awe of them. They scare me, but fascinate me at the same time.
First time, I was actually in a car while the darned thing went over our heads. We were scared smurfless, so to speak. Luckily it wasn't even close to as big as the one shown in that picture or I wouldn't be here to tell it.
Second time was two days later. I was at a friend's house when the sky literally went pea green. It looked just like the soup. And, I went home (I lived in the country) to find my house partially destroyed (but, amazingly, my 4 cats all survived). And what was so weird was when I went inside my house, most things were intact, but you could see swirls of damage, from where the wind came in through the partially opened windows. Like the TV was knocked off of its stand, but the porcelain figurine in the bookshelf right next to it hadn't been touched. And, one of my poor kitties was just never the same after that. Every time it stormed, the poor thing went bonkers, meowing loudly and hiding behind the toilet.
And though they fascinate me, I don't ever care to be involved with another one.
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