I know how you feel Ginger, I used to be like that around here. I was just a shy PPTer who only hung around the RP board.
But then, as I spent more time on the RP board, I began to make friends there. Some of us started to PM each other and discuss certain RPs we were in, and some of us joined other people's RPs just because we knew that that person's RP was going to be good (because of previous experience).
After about a year here I began to venture out more, I may not always post in threads, but I do read them a lot, and I've developed a few more friendships with others here. But it takes time.
The best way to start is by finding one particular board which is about something you really, really enjoy (which for me is RPing), then you have to spend time there, posting your opinion, reading others' opinions, and soon enough you'll find people who you really enjoy talking to, then you might start PMing them and before you know it you'll have tons of friends!
Seriously though, I'm sure there are many PPTers here who consider you to be a friend, I myself don't personally talk to you often, but I know who you are, and I like hearing your opinion about things, which is why I often visit your posts (like now).
You may have more friends than you realise.