Ginger Harp Seal Pup wrote:
I'm feeling really left out of this forum. Wanna know why? Because everyone seems to know when everybody's birthday is and I don't. And people know things about other forumers and I don't. Shoyru Lover knows that someone in the forum is getting married and someone else said that they'd been talking about it for ages but I can't remember seeing any marriage threads or anything. Nothing that has been really talked about on the forum. Is there a chat room or something that you guys go on? I feel like I'm in the dark and not really a member here at all. You know when you're just 'there' and don't fit in and don't really have a personality? You're just that person in the group? Well I feel like that.
Hey Ginger,
Thought I'd better come and explain this one. I'm the one getting married. I've been friends with Yukio for years... in fact, before I even met my fiance. I've not been active the forums for at least six months because I've had to work so much to pay for the wedding.
Of course you are a member of the group. You've been able to post this and manage to get replies that aren't flames. Doesn't that tell you that you are participating in group discussion.
I think everyone goes through this mindset before feeling accepted. I know I did.
Who's bothered if we know everyone's birthdays? I'm not. I can't even remember Yukio's birthday *ducks and covers*, and he's the one I seem to have kept in contact with since I've been on hiatus.
Anyway, I hope you feel better.