zorg wrote:
Maryann wrote:
Lookit lookit! It's my new Pink Poogle Toy plushie keychain thingy!
http://www.innsysco.com/miriam/images/10-23-05_1656.jpgI got it at Limited Too today, and those things are EXPENSIVE, goshdarnit.
Apologies; the quality is bad because the picture was taken with my phone's camera (Hooray for Moto Razr V3's!

Omg i so want that phone. Was that picture taken at high res or what? what does high res look like? Is it worth getting?
The camera is fairly good quality; it's a bit better than most phone cameras but still, it's a phone camera, so the quality isn't that good. I'd really recommend the phone, though. It's wonderful, and whenever I take it out people comment on how cool it looks.
It comes with AIM installed so you can log on to AIM on the go. I love that feature. Plus if you take a laptop with you on a roadtrip and you have the phone and a USB cable (most video camera usb cables work if the one motorola sells is too expensive) you can plug the phone in to your computer and use it as a modem.
Wonderful phone.
To get back on topic:
Zorg, that must've been horrible.

And just the sort of thing I would do. XD
Phreush! How much does Aim cost to chat on? or is it like a connection fee and then nothing else? thats awesome ^_^ I want one for bday/christmas, they're alot cheaper than they were a few months ago.