Ginger Harp Seal Pup wrote:
Me and my mom were just talking about Jury Service and how it would be pretty cool if you had helped to put away a serial killer, or pretty darn horrible if you had helped to release one!
Cool is definitely not the term I would use to describe being a juror for such a case. Horrifying would be a better term. All the graphic evidence they have to see, plus having to sit through the testimony of witnesses who have had their lives torn apart, not to mention the possible fear that the accused might get out (escape or overturned conviction because of a technicality). I know I would constantly worry about revenge...While you might be able to convince yourself that you've help put away a murderer and that you've done a good thing, I think I would be too messed up from the whole experience to ever really focus on that part.
Sorry, didn't mean to be so negative...just don't think I would ever consider jury duty cool. Either it would be boring or it could be very traumatizing.
Ginger Harp Seal Pup wrote:
So, have you or your family/friend ever had to do it?
Where I live, you only enter the jury pool when you register to vote. Guess who's nearly 25 and never voted?

I think one of my friends got out of jury duty, but I don't think I know anyone who has actually been required to do it, and certainly not for an important case.