shollia, when you say walking funny what do you mean? Like he's tipsy or what? As long as he (or any of the other babies) is not "cornering", having tremors, sitting or laying very lethargic with their second eyelid showing, it could very well be that he does have neuro problems, and that means he is definitely the one to keep! First of all he's absolutely precious and second, he's special.
One of our cats is "gifted" or "special", however you want to put it. I call him my baby kougra. He's about 4 years old now, and still thinks he's a kitten. Gets very upset if we call one of the younger ones kitten! He does have neurological problems. His mother, who we'd brought in to get her fixed and adopted out we knew was pregs, but we thought we caught her really early. She gave birth 1 day before she was scheduled to go to the vet. Only had the one kitten, that's why she was so small!
She was so young she didn't know what to do with him. She would sit or lay on his head, then her milk dried up after less than 2 weeks, so we had to bottle feed him. So there was no way he was leaving the house -- he was our baby!
We think that he's special because of her constantly sitting on his head - from day one she did that no matter how many times we pulled her off of him.
He sits with his head tilted to the side all the time, and sometimes walks that way. He doesn't exactly meow either, it's this very high pitched kind of squeeky noise (only I can make the same noise - he thinks I'm talking to him).
Otherwise, he's supremely healthy, has no bad habits, is very clean and loving. So tell your bf's sis not to fret or anything over keeping him.