Christopher wrote:
wildkitten wrote:
Edit: and most of Australia is made up of immigrants - most of the convicts died.


Two out of the four times I've been to Australia I've been burgled XD
Well that proves nothing except you are incapable of looking after your belongings.
And Fidds, the workplace policies aren't racist, they just put low income earners on lower incomes, and seeing as the majority of low income earners (I'm not saying this in a racist sense, but its true) are immigrants its just going to make them dislike the goverment more. More friction makes more clashes.
All due respect though not all of australia is like this to anyone whos saying it, and Igg dont go aroundf mentioning the convict thingy

Some people get reeealy offended XD
SpiraLethe wrote:
...And I just watched a Discovery Times programme on hate music all over the world (mostly white supremacy).
Did you see anything about prussian blue? Our state minister chappy said he was going to ban them to come to Western Australia, but then a whole bunch of jerks started saying "free speech" and practically invited them! They're neo-natzi 13 year old girls in a band named after one of the gasses used in the holocaust. Very freespeech.
The police presence seems to have worked though. There wasn't anything last night except tools looking for some violence. But seriously, when a guy goes into cronulla with an australian flag, a six pack, and abaseball bat, they just have to say *go home* they can't arrest him. Its ridiculous!