Tranx wrote:
Everyone seems to be saying that the racial violence in Australia is often overlooked
Living in the north-western parts of Sydney, as opposed to the riots in the south which have slowed hugely as a result of a bunch of police officers that have been deployed to the beaches in their new police suit things, I am shocked to see that people think that this sort of thing is happening a lot.
As far as I can remember, nothing like this civilian racial riots has happened on a scale even half this big for many, many, many years, and even finding a minority of people who think that Australia is usually like this offends me somewhat.
I admit that there is a slight ongoing racism between people, almost always teenagers at public high schools, but this rarely results in even a small brawl.
There have indeed been roadblocks set up around the area, and police are searching some cars going to and from the area, but as of today, there has been little heard of it for a few days.
If anyone wants to disagree with my post or correct anything I have said, please do so.
I was looking for a way to say what you said, but you said it perfectly (I hope that makes sense). Australia is
not like this usually. We don't walk around 'bashing Lebs' as everyday practise. Australia is based around countless different cultures. We're a nation of immigrants, and sons and daughters of immigrants. Being racist in such a country is completely and utterly stupid.
Now, I'll be honest and say that jokes are sometimes made about a person's culture and heritage, especially at schools, but almost never in a way that is meant to offend the person (Since usually, it's your best mates making the jokes

). Heck, I've gotten more Polish jokes than you can imagine. A Lebanese friend of mine has been called a terrorist various times. But we laugh about it, and joke about it ourselves. Maybe other countries take some of these jokes the wrong way. Maybe Australia hasn't caught up to the world in terms of political correctness (in which case I applaud it). Whatever the case, Australia generally isn't a racist country.
Don't judge us by a couple of idiots who overreact on a beach. Don't judge us by the actions of some stupid white supremisists.