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 Post subject: Just got my butt chewed out >_<
PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 6:58 am 
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Don't you guys "love" when this happens? My butt was chewed out by my boss for jobs not done "right" but luckily he's a good guy, so he sat me down and told me where I went wrong, and what I needed to do to improve... for 3 and a half hours...

I know out there, there's people with really bad bosses. Anyone have horror stories?

Hold onto your seats people... the SL is back.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 7:32 am 
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Aww that's harsh. :hug:

I've got one, A couple weeks ago I was in the hospital overnight and I had to miss work so I had my parents call the univesity, thing is we weren't sure who to call and I wasn't really much help since I was kinda hung up on morphine. So they called to say I was going to miss work and that i'd be in the next day at a later time. So I went into work the next day at the later time and my boss came by to see if i was okay, and then she chewed me out for not calling her, apparently we called the wrong person and she was upset that she was not the first to know, she was the third. She chewed me out so badly that I started crying. I was upset still from my stay at the hospital, which in itself was a bad experience, so I guess I was feeling victimized, but still it seemed so unfair. Thing was she didn't ask me in her office, no she did it right in the middle of TA office, with people around. And at the end of her speech she said "well since it's the first time I forgive you, we've all learned a lesson here" It was humiliating and embarrassing, and she's ignored my email about meeting with her to talk about our little confrontation.

Ah well could have been worse I suppose.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 7:37 am 
Beyond Godly
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I have had way too many bad bosses ... from the ones who expected me to do their banking (including balancing their checkbooks), fetching their lunch, drycleaning, groceries, etc., then yelling at me for not getting my work done to the truly psycho office manager I had. She and I didn't get along from day 1. It was my unfortunate task of "training" all the new lawyers who came to our firm. The thinking was, if they could survive me, they could survive anything. Because I was tough on them as far as how the firm wanted things done. And because I had a smart mouth:P

I was paid little, had rent, etc. to pay so at the time the only way I could afford to dress was to wear alot of vintage. That didn't fly with her. At least once a week she'd see me wearing something she found "inappropriate" and would call me to her office. We'd end up having huge screaming fights with me saying something like if she'd pay for my clothes I'd wear whatever she wanted. What I didn't know at the time was half the office would line up in the hall and listen to us fight. She wouldn't just fire me -- I was too valuable. She just tried to get me to quit.

Then there was another firm I worked at, the office manager there was actually scared of the lawyers and wouldn't stand up for staff no matter what. Except this one time. I'd been given a new lawyer to the firm to work for. She was unbelievable. We kept having small spats with her putting me down and trying to tell me I was stupid because she had the college and law degrees and I only had a hs diploma. In the meantime, I was drafting court filings!

This went on until one day I asked her very nicely to please not write her letters, etc. for transcription in red ink (I have a problem seeing red). She said ok, then proceeded to half fill a legal pad with -- red ink! So, I asked her again. She stood in the middle of the hall and started screaming at the top of her lungs at me, calling me every name in the book, that I was incompetent, why did the firm even keep me, I couldn't do my job, I was uncooperative, yadda yadda yadda, then fired me! This in front of everyone. I said nothing back. First because I was shocked at the viciousness of the attack, then because I figured it'd make her look worse acting all crazy while I just sat there. I got up, went to the office manager and told her she had to do something, and she actually did. The lawyer ended up leaving the firm semi-voluntarily (told if she didn't quit she was going to be fired), but the day she left she laid into me one last time and told me that her leaving was all my fault for going to the office manager.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 2:40 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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HAHA, that reminds me so much of the job that I had at the high school last summer. I worked with an elderly lady (whe wasn't necessarily my boss, but she's the only one I really considered my boss). She's was always cursing like a sailor, yelling at all of the diabetes commercials that came on when we watched the Price-is-right. It's sounds fun, but she was so god-awful annoying. -_-

Anyway, my job was doing a ton of things, I had to clean out every locker in the school, take everything out, sort it out, and all of that junk. Then we had to put every student textbook in the school in this one lab and count them. I was that kind of stuff, getting books and supplies ready for the next year (plus janitorial work if she was gone).

It didn't really start getting bad until we (I worked with a druggie who eventually left and I worked solo) were asked to write down the school supplies that she had to order. It was simple, write down the names of the supplies, and write down the amount that is needed for every teacher. Of course, only she could make something so easy, so very nerve-racking. First of all, she hate to repeat herself, it's almost like she was attacked by herself as a kid or something. She talks like an auctioneer, that is, we have no idea how we're supposed to right numbers like 375, 1100, and 175 on items that are on different sheets of paper in a single second.

Later we had a woman from the Dean's office come down and help us as well. Pat (I'll just call her that now) didn't take kindly to this woman because she was working too quickly and basically putting us out of a job. Anyway, when she left, every single day she would constantly complain about the horrible job she did and then ask me if I'm glad she's gone. I'd say 7 times a day is probably an average. Of course, the other worker, who she also couldn't stand, left as well. What did I constantly get to hear all day? "Aren't you glad they're gone?", only with many more expletives. =P

She also had me fill up her water bottle constantly while I was working and my partner was just sitting there talking to her. She waited 10 minutes for me to go and deliver things just so she could ask me to do something that the other guy could have done in half a minute.

Though she didn't have a problem with me, actually she thought I was one of her better workers, she talked to me like I was stupid. She would never say "I need you to get 200 of the sophomore US Government books." (which I could have done quiute easily) it was always "I need you to get the red US government books with the presidents' faces on them, can you see them? They're right over there *points in the wrong direction* We need 200 of them, get going. No, you're not going the right way, they're over there! Oh, they aren't? I'm sorry, why didn't you tell me they weren't over there!?."

I remembert even once, while my partner was still working, we had to make up the packets that were going to be sent out to the new students, and we had hundreds to do in an hour or so. My partner is doing one pack per minute, and I'm doing 4 a minute. She has enough nerve to tell the person on the phone "We'd be done if these damn kids would work faster." (of course, that's leaving out excessive cursing) Needless to say, I was about to say something that would have gotten me fired. -_-

I wouldn't necessarily say she was "bad", but she was annoying to the max. Believe me, I only showed you a small percentage of what I could have. Every single day something happened that would put her in a very bad mood, and she was a heavy gossiper. x_x She was nice (yeah, she actually was xD)... just very, very, stress-inducing.

Thanks to Laq. :o

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 4:38 pm 
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You got your butt chewed out by your boss? I've never heard that term used before. It sounds quite disgusting!

Anyway, I was at a work placement back in January. It was great except for my 'boss'. She was Asian and you might remember me talking about her ages back. To put it mildly, she was an utter cow. She thought she was all high and mighty and really looked down at me. When I talked to her she either wasn't that interested in hearing what I had to say or pretended she didn't hear me. She asked me to count all the cheques and I have trouble with maths and was really struggling with this task. I'm not talking about just counting, but there were cheques worth odd numbers like £37, £26, etc. And I had to do this in my head. I was taking my time and struggling and I told her that I was sorry for taking so long. She just looked at me and rolled her eyes, sighed and walked away.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 5:22 pm 
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my boss is quite nice.
except he holds grudges.
i work at a fruit market.
he asked me to drive to chicago with him to sell all our stuff there.
i did that once before, & i hated it.
i had to get up at one am.
so. i wasn't big on doing that again.
so i said no.
& he made me pull weeds for seven hours in the hot sun.

good times.

hi, i'm clare. & i'm a hardcore hawk freak.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 5:41 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Hi Clare. :o *pokes cool siggy*

The only boss I have is my dad.
However, my mom does have this really bad boss named Sam, who's basically on an ego trip.
She won't leave my mom be. :\


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PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 5:52 pm 
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Never read this title literally.


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PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 6:24 pm 
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Igg wrote:
Never read this title literally.

I did :oops:

They still have to hire me at the shoes store so I don't have a boss yet.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 9:14 pm 
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Igg wrote:
Never read this title literally.


hey, ash.

hi, i'm clare. & i'm a hardcore hawk freak.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:51 pm 
Beyond Godly
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tomatie wrote:
Igg wrote:
Never read this title literally.

I did

Same here... I thought SL had had a run in with a dog... xD

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 11:18 pm 
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You guys! That is waaay too gross :lol:

Hold onto your seats people... the SL is back.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 11:24 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Shoyru_Lover wrote:
You guys! That is waaay too gross :lol:

We weren't the ones who made the confusing topic title. :P

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 11:29 pm 
Beyond Godly
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.:Compact Disk:. wrote:
tomatie wrote:
Igg wrote:
Never read this title literally.

I did

Same here... I thought SL had had a run in with a dog... xD

I'm glad I'm not the only one... I thought of something involving a dog too, then felt sorry for him... I'm so forgiving.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 12:29 am 
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