I've got plenty of horror stories at work since I'm known to have an attitude problem now and then.
Most recently though is making a half batch of house tea (it's tea mixed with orange juice, pineapple juice, Sprite and other stuff) at work yesterday and then being told by my manager that we were supposed to purposely run out of the tea. I told her "Noone told me" and she gave me a look and so I said "Y'all make these random decisions and don't ever tell me so what am I supposed to do-- read your minds? I'm not psychic!" and I was chewed out for chewing her out. So anyways!
Igg wrote:
Never read this title literally.
No comment.
Fiddedit: Combined your double posts. Please avoid doing that in the future.

"Man, that guy Bango gets around." -Jake Chambers, The Dark Tower VII