everconfused wrote:
Ammer, as far as learning new things, being nervous might actually make you less able to retain the information. You know, that little voice in your head going "Oh no, I'll never get this, I'll never remember it all, Aaahhhhh!"
So, just take a deep breath, relax and if whoever's training you either goes too fast or doesn't explain in a way you "get", just politely say something like, ok I do this, then this, right? And then, is this the next step? That way you'll be sure that the explanation was clear and you're doing things right.
I wouldn't worry if I were you though. You're very smart and you're very clear in your writing so I'm sure you are in speaking and RL stuff.
And remember, we're here for you when you've had one of those days and need to vent!

Thanks for the advice everconfused, I honestly appreciate all of it.
Yes, I usually tend to think "I'll never get this!!!" and that usually leads to my downfall. Therefore a positive outlook on this job is what I need and hopefully I'll be able to do well.
And I'll try stopping my trainer for questions, sometimes I don't because I get embarassed or I think I'll look stupid in front of people. But in order to succeed, I need to get over my fear of what people think of me.
Plus, thanks for the compliment. I really do hope I do well and if I don't, you guys will know about. Heh.