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 Post subject: Fun Things to do With Crazy People on a Saturday Night
PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 2:44 am 
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mods: if you have any problems with any of these.... let me know and i will take them down immediately (unless you want to get rid of them yourself) but i figure they are okay, since its nothing really suggestive or innapropriate or offensive.... but im just saying ill be quick and responsive if you want anything changed, since this is a good thread idea that im sure will apply to many people!

Hey guys.... my school's drama club is EXTRA fun... as... we think of many creative things to do, and we really have fun. The past few weekends have been CRAZY FUN! Groups of Teenagers, like my drama club, are always looking for adrenalin (however you spell that) rushes and things that are sometimes a bit troublesome, but are exciting!

But this weekend... we were just....bored. Lazy. Probably because its a long weeked (due to MLK day) so we caught up on some sleep. But either way....

I am looking for things to do with your crazy friends on a day off. Things that take all day, things that dont take so long... things that are outgoing, and things that take courage to do! Creative things, things you dont hear about everyday. Things that make GREAT stories!

So, Im starting a list here..... I'll stick your name next to things you've added.... Here are my fun things my drama club have done lately.

Do some of these at your own risk!

1.) Go to a Dance Club

2.) Play "Fugitive." - A game we invented that you play IN THE DARK. you are either a driver, or a runner. Everybody starts at the same point (playgrounds, schools, stripmalls, and res

teraunts make good places to start.) The runner's goal is to get to a designated point at the other end of town. (Or a mile or two a way)... on foot. If they get to the goal, they are a winner. The drivers drive around the city trying to find them, and if they see them and can shout out there name, that runner gets caught and must ride in the car and help that driver. There can be multiple drivers in a game. (2 or 3 cars make it more fun!) Drivers can also use flashlights and spotlights and stuff like that. They can also send people out of the car and have them run by foot to catch somebody (or the driver can go by foot too). We often play where all runners must stay within 10 feet of a street at all times. But, if you have LOTS of people helping the drivers, then it may be more fun to have free-roaming people. Many strategies to this game. Make sure lots of people have cell phones with them. Legal EVERYWHERE unless its past your cerfew. Then your too young to play this fun game anyway! Hahaha!

3.) Go on a video adventure. Have a few people pick a public spot like a mall or arcade or something, and call up your friends and tell them your taking them on a video adventure... but they dont know where. Then, as soon as you show up at your friends' door(s), make sure you tape it.. tape it all! Video tape your excursion. Then watch it a month or so later. Or when you get home.

4.) If its bright outside, and warm, and people are out riding your bikes, get a copy of Queen's song "Bicycle Race" and drive around town playing it from your stereo as loud as possible. Then find a person on a bike and follow them. If they ditch you, find them, and restart the song (so it blasts "BIcycle... BIcycle... BIcycle... i want to ride my BICYCLE...BICYCLE......) evertime you meet them. This is legal in most places. Yes, this idea is from a movie on the internet. My friends and I MADE that movie. Durr!

5.) Go to a local contsruction site and play on the giant trunks and long-necked shovel thingers... and bulldozers. Take pictures on them! This isnt necessarily legal... but its sure is fun! And you can do it in the dark at you probably wont get caught!

6.) Write a play/musical.

7.) Have a game party. More fun if everybody brings a game... play them all!

8.) Have a progressive dinner. Everybody goes to one person's house, and they have appatizers and do something there. Then they go to somebody elses house and have salad or more appatizers or something. The go to somebody elses house and have some REAL food. Then go to another persons house and have dessert!

9.) Have everybody find all there favorite old classic toys... such as california raisins, old power rangers.... GI Joes, burger king/kids meal toys.... and bring them somewhere and have fun with them.

10.) Have some girls dress up real slutty and have them stand on a public but well lit corner. (so people can see you.) Drive up to them, talk to them for a bit, and give them a big wad of cash, and then have them get in the car and drive off into a back alley and laugh. HAHAHA! More fun if you have somebody out with a videocamera to get reactions. This isnt illegal, because cops cant arrest you for... the Pro-word, because... you never WERE going to do that! Unless you actually do anything, you cant get in trouble..... right?

11.) At night, of course, go to a graveyard! Its SCARY!

12.) Have a Sock hop!

13.) Hit the town. In costume.

14.) Vandalize a bunch of houses IN A NICE WAY. NO EGGS OR TOILET PAPER. Instead, go to your friends houses (ones that ARENT participating) and stick forks all over in there yard.... i mean, jab them into the dirt ground so they stick up in the air. Hide easter eggs (but make a few easy to find so they get a hint) (maybe leave clues?) Decorate there trees with christmas lights (and other christmas decor) and plug them in and RUN!!! (is WAY more fun in the summer when neighbors will be like "uh.. what the heck? Its easter!!?!?") Or spraypaint their dog. (or decorate with silistring and clothes and hats and stuff) (or decorate with christmas lights and other christmas decor and plug them in and RUN!!!)

15.) Make a make-shift band that isnt really good. Go play songs in a public area (downtown areas and sports arenas are good ) and be sure to leave out hats and guitar cases incase somebody tries to pay you to stop playing! I mean.... you can actually TRY... drama kids sometimes have voices so its okay... but the fact that you are an unxexperiencd band will be obvious and will make it funny. You dont often find BAD musciians playing on the stree for money!

16.) Have a roof party. Or just hang out on the roof. But if theres a lot of people, dont have them in the same area or your roof may cave in NOT A JOKE.

17.) If you're group is really... REALLY outgoing and comfortable with eachther... go streaking? In most cases..... not legal. :)

18.) Explore an old/abandoned/ditched house.

19.) Play golf in a unofficial/different/creative place.

20.) Set up a tent (or if there are many people...a whole camp of tents!) And have a little camp out somewhere that you wouldnt traditionally camp!

21.) Explore your school's roof.... for a limited time, incase somebody spots you. AT NIGHT. WEAR BLACK to decrease visibility!

22.) Go dumpster diving!

Okay, so thats some of the things my drama club has done in the past month.... (well, it wasnt anything drama club official, its just that group of people who are crazy and creative and looking for EXTRA fun!

PLEASE. share YOUR ideas of fun things to do with a group of crazy friends. Anything. Im sure you guys will use some of my ideas... fun, arent they? What do your friends do?


(From WIS)
23.)Watch the entire first season of House on DVD

(From Fiddelysquat)
24.) Much like Queen's "Bicycle Race" gag, find people jogging and play "Eye of the Tiger / Theme from Rocky " really loud from your car stereo and follow them around!

25.) Put strange objects in random locations. Like, put a cabbage on one of those benches at the mall. Pretend to be browsing in a shop/kiosk nearby to watch people's reactions.

26.) If a friend lives on a busy-ish street and has an apartment/window that's pretty high up, stage a horrible break-up.

(From kanashimi)
27.) Have a BIG sleepover! stay at one persons house overnight, then move onto anothers... or just a normal sleepover hwere you stay up till 1 and then wake up early the next day and are all sleepy...

28.) try invent new random games

Last edited by The Wonder Weezel on Mon Jan 16, 2006 1:36 am, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 6:46 am 
Beyond Godly
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23. Watch the entire first season of House on DVD.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 6:49 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Everyone knows you don't wear blackit's really dark green

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 4:28 pm 
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WIS wrote:
23. Watch the entire first season of House on DVD.

yeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhh....... not fun. :oops:

Christopher wrote:
Everyone knows you don't wear blackit's really dark green

Whats that supposed to mean? :roll:

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 7:02 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Some of those are funny, and some are just ... alarming. have you given your parents grey hair yet? :P

If you lived in my city, number 10 could definitely get both the girl and the boy in question arrested - trust me on that one. And there's a good chance the cops wouldn't believe or wouldn't care that it was some sort of prank. At least 2 people ending up with police records, not cool.

14. Never spray paint or otherwise spray anything on an animal. You could kill it when the poor thing tries to wash the paint off with it's tongue. Or choke (like with silly string).

5, 11, 14, 21 - all trespassing, sorry. Again, just because your group's underage doesn't mean you wouldn't get in trouble. And potentially dangerous. (so's 18 for that matter).

Alot of the others do sound like alot of fun. I don't know about the bicycle one. I might turn around and do something drastic to your boombox if you were following me.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 7:21 pm 
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Note: As was previously mentioned, never spraypaint an animal. They can die when they try to lick it off, and they WILL try. My dog eats just about everything, and if someone spraypainted my dog, I'd beat the crap out of them.

Now, on to actual ideas.

- Along with the bicycle thing, if you see someone jogging, get in these really jazzed up jogging outfits (sweatbands, those really hilariously tight biker shorts, etc.) and blast "Eye of the Tiger" from a stereo. It's really hilarious.

- Put strange objects in random locations. Like, put a cabbage on one of those benches at the mall. Pretend to be browsing in a shop/kiosk nearby to watch people's reactions. Funniest thing I ever did was buy a chicken from the grocery store and leave it on the changing table in the women's bathroom. I put paper towels under it so it wouldn't leave a mess, but it was hilarious to see how people looked at it. I think it might've been the fact that we dressed the chicken in babydoll clothes (bonnet and all), but I was trying so hard not to laugh too loud.

- If a friend lives on a busy-ish street and has an apartment/window that's pretty high up, stage a horrible break-up. Gather some old clothes/dishes/stuff you don't want any more, and get a guy friend of yours to run around outside on the lawn (bonus points if he's in boxers and a collared shirt with a tie) trying to catch stuff as a girl throws it through the window at him, as if she's kicking him out. This only really works if the person lives on a fairly busy sidewalk, but if it's done right, people's reactions are priceless.

I have some more, but I can't think of them now.

G'luck, and don't spraypaint any more dogs. >:[


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 7:29 pm 
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5, 11, 14, 21 - all trespassing, sorry. Again, just because your group's underage doesn't mean you wouldn't get in trouble. And potentially dangerous. (so's 18 for that matter).

Oh get over it, unless you're useless at trespassing and spend your time shouting things like "OMG I CANT BELEAVE WERE LYKE IN DA ROOF" if anyone shows up you just say "we're so sorry, this big group of guys chased us in here, how do we get out?" and then you're fine.

Go out, have fun! Break into an abandoned factory and trash the place. The best days of your life will be spent smashing strip-lighting and spraying fire extinguishers!

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 8:34 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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The Wonder Weezel wrote:

Christopher wrote:
Everyone knows you don't wear blackit's really dark green

Whats that supposed to mean? :roll:

Its meant to be a reference to something.

 Post subject: Re: Fun Things to do With Crazy People on a Saturday Night
PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 8:54 pm 
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The Wonder Weezel wrote:
8.) Have a progressive dinner. Everybody goes to one person's house, and they have appatizers and do something there. Then they go to somebody elses house and have salad or more appatizers or something. The go to somebody elses house and have some REAL food. Then go to another persons house and have dessert!

I went to one of these one new years - it was good fun!

We had a "wine and cheese party", where we bought a whole load of wine and cheese crackers and each guest had to bring a different kind of cheese.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 10:06 pm 
Beyond Godly
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We had a Kraft Dinner party, we brought all different types of kraft dinner and ketchup, then dressed up really fancy.

Great times.

generally unimpressed. Koku.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 11:12 pm 
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Xil wrote:
We had a Kraft Dinner party, we brought all different types of kraft dinner and ketchup, then dressed up really fancy.

Great times.

Kraft dinner?

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 11:16 pm 

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Xil wrote:
We had a Kraft Dinner party, we brought all different types of kraft dinner and ketchup, then dressed up really fancy.

Great times.

I now have "If I Had a Million Dollars" (Barenaked Ladies) stuck in my head. Thanks. :P things to do with crazy people? I wouldn't know. Not that my friends weren't crazy, but because I haven't a clue how to have fun. :P I'm such a boring person.

Anything 'fun' involving cars and people running around is probably not a good idea, I don't care how careful you are

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 12:04 am 
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We're all like in late preteens/early teens and we still play 007 when we're in the mood. :P

the greatest love story never told.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 12:33 am 
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14 sounds fun... hehe...

same with 23 XP...

Another idea (What I did when I was young) Have a huge sleepover... stay at one persons house overnight, then move onto anothers... or just a normal sleepover hwere you stay up till 1 and then wake up early the next day and are all sleepy...

Also, try invent new random games... like for example a game I invented:
1 Ball. if you throw the ball at someone and hit a limb, they cant use that limb... they have to hop around if they get hit in the leg... or if they are hit in the arm then the arm again, they can't pick up the ball... there is no 1 person that is 'it', anyone can pick up and throw the ball... you are out of the game once you are hit in the chest or head...

you can also use a frisbie...

Those are some suggestions, hope you like them...


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 1:27 am 
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Hehe, dont worry about the "spray painting the dog" thing so much.... as we didnt actually spray paint it, we dyed it actually.... one of our friends has this tempororary easy to wash dye stuff that is completely harmless and non-toxic, and our friend knew exactly where it came from (its a theater thing) and we would never do anything that could cause harm to a dog... if it had a chance of doing anything to it, we wouldnt do it.... we love that dog :) and it loves all of us. Its the snoopy of the drama club.

As for the tresspassing thing.... well, yeah, it IS tresspassing, but its the expierience of doing something that people dont usually get to do which makes it fun. You only get in trouble if you get caught, right? And im not trying to promote doing something "bad"..... our drama club has a good philosophy on pranks and stunts and fun things. We like to sometimes break rules and have fun as long as no actual distruction is caused to anything. (Like when i said vanalizing a yard... we would never do anything WRONG to a house, but instead, add things to it, such as forks in the yard, or christmas lights.)

FIdds, i LOVE the Eye of the Tiger idea... now we can make a sequel to our biker movie!!!! And post it on the internet :) Thats awesome... the only problem is most joggers around here have headphones on and wouldnt hear anyway :oops:
Your one about "leaving random objects anywhere" reminds me of a prank a friend of mine pulled. We heard about this, but decided not to do it thinking it was kind of crewl, but we watched a guy put um.... things to protect people from getting things during stuff, in the barbie aisle at a Target store.... and kids thought they were toys. Oh man.... oh man.... we wouldnt go that far, but it was funny to watch :lol:

Yeah, i definetely like some of these ideas. They are great! Ill be adding to my personal list, and then adding yours on there as well! I love your ideas guys! Find some more!

St Nick wrote:
5, 11, 14, 21 - all trespassing, sorry. Again, just because your group's underage doesn't mean you wouldn't get in trouble. And potentially dangerous. (so's 18 for that matter).

Oh get over it, unless you're useless at trespassing and spend your time shouting things like "OMG I CANT BELEAVE WERE LYKE IN DA ROOF" if anyone shows up you just say "we're so sorry, this big group of guys chased us in here, how do we get out?" and then you're fine.

Go out, have fun! Break into an abandoned factory and trash the place. The best days of your life will be spent smashing strip-lighting and spraying fire extinguishers!

THAT, my friend, is against the Drama Club Code.

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