I think mine might win the contest here....
this might be the most horrid expierience in all my life, because it was embarrasing to ME, but NOBODY ELSE knew it happened.
This was probably about... 9 years ago, so i was really young, and stupid at the time, and we were just getting done with a week-long canoe trip. We stopped at a nice resteraunt on the way home, and we're all scrubby and dirty and starving.... since wed been living in the woods for a week.
Now, when on canoe trips, if you want to go #2, you must dig yourself a hole, do your thing, and then cover it up.
I HATE doing that, so i only did it once over the whole trip, in the middle of the trip... I "held it" the rest of the time.
So we're in this nice resteraunt, and I go into the single-person bathroom to get rid of 4-or-so days worth of junk food and trailmix and hot dogs and smores and horrible camp food.... and, I dont want to gross you out, but its important details: It was VERY smelly, and i hadnt gone in days, so I was um.. unable to get it all down the toilet when i flushed it.... and i didnt know what to do......
so i washed my hands, and ran back to the group, and knowing that the rest of them would ALSO have to use the bathroom really bad... i said "OH MY GOD! This huge fat dude just totally clogged the toilet! I cant even use it... you cant flush it or anything, his stuff his huge!"
And since they were all stuipd little kids... you know what they did.
They ran to see the fat mans huge monster he left behind.
Oh god. I was there... like "yeah.... this.... guy... in a ... um.. plaid shirt.. .. did it." and there were 8 or so of my peers, all standing next to me, going "OHHH GROSS AWWW MANNNN LOOK AT IT!""""
And im just like......