Congrats on the job

I just started a new job before Christmas, myself. It's all a bit scary at first, but try not to be too nervous - everyone has to be new at some point! If you're like me and bad with names, try and remember a couple of people's names to begin with, so you can call out to someone if you need help urgently. And as the others are saying, don't feel silly asking questions, it's better that you know what you're doing. Just try and remember what the answer was... they might get annoyed if you ask the same one ten times

(I'm sure you won't have to, though!)
A lot of people have been saying slightly negative things about the retail/hospitality industry... but it's not all bad. There tends to be a lot of younger people, which can make very fun. And there'll be some grumpy customers that'll stick out in your memory, but on the whole the majority of people are friendly/normal