Ken wrote:
Would you guys go here? : ... _ride.htmlI've been living in Las Vegas for over 11 years and I never intend to try it

I was watching the news and that teeter totter ride seems to get stuck alot, leaving people suspended in mid-air for hours.
Well, I wanted to go on the 'Xscream' ride, but it was closed the day I went, although I did go on 'Insanity', and let me tell you, it was fantastic.
You're sitting on the thing, and the arm swings around so you're off the side of the tower. Then it starts to spin and the carriages start to go out. When it extends fully outward, you can see the vertical drop down to the ground by facing forward. And there's no overhead bar, only a little lap bar. But yea, it's good.
Also, 'The Big Shot' is great. It's a fantastic view from the top of the tower, and if you choose the side that faces The Strip, it's on of the best views you will get. And the feeeling of the air rushing through your hair when you're being propelled up into the air is just fantastic.
Th Roller Coaster up there isn't actually very thrilling. It's actually quite calm, and you get some great views of Las Vegas on that ride. It's a pity it's being dismantled this year. Although I'm sure that the new ride will be just as thrilling as 'Insanity'. And, more importantly, it gives me an excuse to go back to Las Vegas.