Igg wrote:
Bangel wrote:
Article wrote:
"I think it's quite possible for them to interact with humans. We are now studying how robots can join the human society."
Three words:
They're. Not. Real.
They're as real as anything else 'real', but they're not alive.
But what about when the robots get more sophisticated and gain better AI? When can we classify them as alive or not? When they are smart enough to think on their own? When they can feel emotions? Ah. I love it when science and philosophy meet.
the_dog_god wrote:
But because they're battery powered, they'll seek to improve themselves, making eachother powered off, oh I don't know, the sun. Then we'll blacken the skies to stop them getting power that way and they'll begin farming us...
...then two brothers will come along and make one good move and two really bad sequals to it about how we all lost to the robots.
The evil robot overlord will then proceed to farm the two brothers for energy...
Also, we should build the robots so that they are not only powered by bad directors, but bad movies as well. That would very easily get rid of all the copies of
Dumb and Dumber and
Mr and Mrs Smith, plus the later works of Tom Cruise. (Thanks TDG. I was totally waiting for someone to make a
Matrix reference).

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