heh, I hoped this would become an interesting topic... we need more topics like these!
Thanks for the great responces guys.... and im glad to hear that there are other people on the "I WANT white teeth" side of the conversation....
Xil wrote:
those white strips are effectively bleaching your teeth. I read somewhere that if you're under 18, they can attribute to the sensitivity of your teeth later on?
...while im not going to DISAGREE with that... im not going to agree with it.... white strips havent been around long enough for them to know that fact! They can only suggest it might happen... and no, im not a dentist or anything, but bleaching your teeth will have little effect on your teeth if you know how to take care of them. Bleaching your teeth would take off small bit sof enamel off of your teeth, but EXTREMELY small incriments that wont effect you. You are more likely to hurt your teeth by brushing them to hard, or if you are a person who likes to eat ice.... thats even worse. I actually do know a lot about this topic... maybe i should be a dentist!

but its not like the bleeching is a long-term thing anyway. once your teeth ARE very white, if you take care of them, you can probably keep them close to being that white...
Dusket wrote:
I can't say how amazed I am. The very first treatment they were a shade lighter, and now after three days of six treatments (2 a day for 30 mins each) they are absolutely brilliant looking. I would be satisfied with this, but this isn't even the full results yet!. I still have TONS of strips more to go.
The price itself is really kind of expensive, but saves tons of money rather than going to the dentist. Premium Plus is around $33 USA dollars at Target stores.
Thats great to hear..... i always wondered if those were worth the investment... they did sound quite expensive, but by your rating.... it sounds like you get what you pay for. If they work, i might just do that... or see if i could get them for a birthday present. And 33 bucks actually isnt THAT horrible if you get a lot of strips... you said you "have TONS of strips left"..... ill assume you just mean you have a lot left. In that case.... sounds like a worthy investment
Shifty wrote:
BTW - don't get too impressed by white teeth in photos, those are usually photoshopped.
im very careful not to be mislead by that..... i never listen to commericials or advertisements.... those "day by day" things are obviously fake... i only listen to word of mouth.... which is basically why i made this thread! Great point.... too bad many people dont understand the power of photoshopping...
Skynetmain wrote:
The ancient Romans had a very cheap and effective way of getting white teeth, urine.
you are a sick, SICK person. Plus, i tried that, and my breat was always horrible the next day, so i refused to go that path....
Jen wrote:
Put a little bit of Baking Soda on your toothpaste when you brush your teeth.
Seriously. Oh. My. Gosh. It's unbelievable, and its cheap. Try it before you go out and spend tons of money on whittening stuff. It makes a noticable difference after a day.
umm.. is this true? is this clinically proven to be safe? um... if this worked, why dont people do it more often?