I've been trying to come up with ideas for interesting threads from completely out of the blue.... and I was trying to think of interesting things in my life that other people may also enjoy talking about.... and then i realised that there were SO MANY things that were interesting, but not worth making a thread about!
So, this is the non-neopets gloat/cry thread. This is where you can come and tell your interesting two cents of the day or the week.... because everybody has something they are happy about, or need to complain about, but of course, its usually not thread-worthy! To start it off, here are a few things of mine:

- I am in speech, and i am a storyteller, and I have got 4th place in my past two tournaments.... out of about 30 or 40 other storytellers each time, so thats pretty good!

- I live in Minnesota..... and yeah, its cold. But out of NOWHERE, it got REALLY cold. The HIGH for the day was -5 three days in a row. On Valentines day, my car started, stayed on for 5 seconds, and then shut off on me. Apparently, I flooded it. Well, I was dressed up as cupid for valentines day (im a weird drama kid who dresses up for EVERYTHING) so i had to run 6 blocks to school in red silk boxers, tights, sandals, angel wings, and a white sleeveless T-shirt (with a big sash!) and it was SNOWING and COLD... but i didnt have time to change because i would have been late... and i cant afford staying after school because of my busy schedual.
Then, a few days later, my car started allright, and I drove it for about two minutes, and then I stopped for a red light... and my car shut off on me again. And this is at the busiest interesction in my town. Right in the middle of everything.. and the light turns green and my car wont turn on.... so i get out of it in my Taco Bell uniform and signal people to go around me.... but luckily, i called my dad, who taught me how to push the acceleration ALL the way, then turn my car on, wait a few seconds, and then let go... and my car started. *phew* but that SUCKED. yeah. Its cold here. Its hurtning my poor car.....
who else has gloats/cries? A great opportunity to gloat about getting braces off, or cry about getting them on! Did you gain/lose a boyfriend/girlfriend? Make it into the school play? Did you lose a family member? Did you get a new puppy? Gloat and cry here! Yayyyyyy! Wahhhh!
Also... this IS a place for people to vent... or to tell what they are proud of! So be sure that as you are posting your own gloats and cries.... also comment on some of the things in other people's lives!